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Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a RP partner. (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Rookson (played anonymously)

Hello there ladies and gentlemen!

So, I am having slight issue finding an RP partner. Perhaps I've been doing it all wrong, but I have a feeling that outwardly seeking one in a forum might help....(Duh). Anyways, I'm looking for someone who is grammatically correct most of the time, can reply in a multi-paragraph format (shorter if the situation grants), and an individual who can help out equally with plot when I'm having trouble. That's pretty much it...I don't mind setting, theme, era, genre, it doesn't matter to me, I can do it all. If you have a character you want to play, I'll make one just to fit that setting and tag along with them. I've been dabbling in the ways of RP for two years now, I've found a few good friends here. My goal though, is to find someone who will stick to it and be a constant RP partner open to new ideas and stories, whatever comes to mind!

You may also be wondering...Why with a character? Why anonymous? Well, It's just a thing that I do and Rookson here was my first character (Who needs a definite polishing) , and I can't seem to get rid of him. The less you question it the less you degrade your sanity. Anyways! I'll give you a few characters of mine so you can see some of my work.

Vagante , Azrael , Kane , Mavric , John , Nero .

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.

Wow your character sounds so interesting! I would love to rp with you sometime if you want.I have very good grammar and I can post in paragraphs if needed.And as for long term,I have an rp with someone that is approaching 1,000 replies and still going,so I think that shows I have no problem with long term. XD You can check out my characters if you like,I don't really put a background for them because I like to adapt them to fit the rps they're in.But anyway,send me a private message if you're interested! :D
Rookson (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Thanks for your input, I'm trying to get as much people to reply as I can for my selection. I will take your offer into consideration, thanks for your time!

As for now I'm going to sleep. Have a good night!
Hello there,
I am looking for a long-term RP partner as well!
I am kinda new to RPR, all of the experience that I have of RP is usually through Skype with my fiance. We have had an RP ongoing for over a year now.
I am happy to RP pretty much anything, though I do tend to prefer medieval fantasy settings. Most of my characters are furry but I am always happy to create new ones! I am also happy to RP as a male or female, whichever is preferred at the time.
If you are interested please let me know. I would also like to hear what your RP preferences are.
Have a lovely day!
Nora Hayes (played by Rosey)

Rookson wrote:
Hello there ladies and gentlemen!

So, I am having slight issue finding an RP partner. Perhaps I've been doing it all wrong, but I have a feeling that outwardly seeking one in a forum might help....(Duh). Anyways, I'm looking for someone who is grammatically correct most of the time, can reply in a multi-paragraph format (shorter if the situation grants), and an individual who can help out equally with plot when I'm having trouble. That's pretty much it...I don't mind setting, theme, era, genre, it doesn't matter to me, I can do it all. If you have a character you want to play, I'll make one just to fit that setting and tag along with them. I've been dabbling in the ways of RP for two years now, I've found a few good friends here. My goal though, is to find someone who will stick to it and be a constant RP partner open to new ideas and stories, whatever comes to mind!

You may also be wondering...Why with a character? Why anonymous? Well, It's just a thing that I do and Rookson here was my first character (Who needs a definite polishing) , and I can't seem to get rid of him. The less you question it the less you degrade your sanity. Anyways! I'll give you a few characters of mine so you can see some of my work.

Vagante , Azrael , Kane , Mavric , John , Nero .

Hello there!
I am also looking for another 1x1 partner if you are still interested. I've been RPing for about seven or so years now, and consider myself fairly literate. I recently started a fabulous RP with an original plot and even did quite a bit of character development, but suddenly my partner has up and left. Literally. The account was deleted and I have no way of contacting him to continue. So, I'd really like to find my character a new RP. I'm extremely excited to use her, and hope that maybe we can work something out!

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Looking for a RP partner. (closed)

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