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Forums » Looking for RP » AU Earth, Furry German Victory (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Of course we could start or robin maybe
Oh boy, that's unAwesome
I'm in the middle of writing character bios as I just finished drawing my stuff

I can offer to start the topic up if you want to? Like, kick the thing up? You'd start up the topic thought, so that you'd be able to edit it as you'd wish later
Or Reima could start it
Wilhelm Koenig (played by Webels) Topic Starter

So wait, would you be starting it, or me?
You'd start the topic, put anything you want in it
Maybe just copy paste your first post from here?
Wilhelm Koenig (played by Webels) Topic Starter

Sounds good to me. Whether I actually participate right from the start, I do not know...
Wilhelm Koenig (played by Webels) Topic Starter

Well, I feel that this Writer's Block won't be gone by the time the RP is well established, and there likely wouldn't be a way to enter late without wrecking the atmosphere... I am slightly leaning towards canceling it, or at least handing it off to someone else, such as Reima.
There can always be things such as 'helping parties' and 'aid teams' or such
Those could easily just peek their heads in
Also yes, I was conveniently working on drawing some WWII stuff even before this
Wilhelm Koenig (played by Webels) Topic Starter

Well, maybe... I dunno. I just don't really feel it, right now.
Out of curiosity what was your character suppose to be in terms of class, whilhelm?
That would be nice to know~ I'm curious too
Wilhelm Koenig (played by Webels) Topic Starter

He was to be a Wehrmacht soldier, not too high of a rank. Only Gefreiter, or something similar.
Well i don't see a problem of you just hopping in when you want during the RP since your not that high rank
You're not a head general or such so yea xD Hoppa hoppa~
It seems Four is the highest rank here. Tank company commander isn't that high either.
Well I got a scout/sniper/messenger and a 'servant' coming so eh
We have no commander
Luke just a civilian saboteur so he doesn't have a rank
I could technically be in-command?
Could have his own small troop?

And, well, I might as well put these here still, just because. Sorry if there is too much text xD
I cleeeeeearly didn't think about this at all
And I neeeeed to put in some detail stuff. Heck, I had to skip a whole generation in Toffi's family tree so yeh, I'm putting the alternations here

The obvious fur ball

33f99w8.png*- Christofer Schäefer
*- 19 years
*- German
*- An SS Officer
*- Main messenger, scout, sniper *incredibly fast and has very high stamina, sharp reaction speed and other instincts. Major drawback physical strength outside of running - not made for harsh labour work or physical combat
*- An assassin
* - It is noteworthy though that if he fails to complete his main tasks and is deemed to be lowered in rank, he will most likely end up as an entertainer of some sort due to his singing talent and a few other factors (the boy doesn't seem too willing to do either for the most part though, so in case the switch happens some work needs to be done)

Behaviour - Most commonly seen as a smiling, cheerful individual. Shy with strangers, the boy is very cautious towards the people he does not yet know. Most of the time he will be seen around people he trusts. The boy is capable of strichtening up though and is not a complete push-over even though he might seem like it, he is more than capable of defending himself.

Appearance - 176cm tall, light build, healthy man.
Turquoise eyes that alter in color depending on the lighting (from neon yellow to dark turquoise), darkish brown hair. A canine furry with a somewhat feminine curvy body
Smooth, silky feeling fur. It's very soft like cotton and appears almost plush like. Easy to take care of, doesn't madden or get tangled unless force is used and they don't get a chance to clean themselves in weeks. When clean and well taken care of, the fur will be so silky that if attempted to catch, Christofer will most likely be a bit too slippery to get a proper hold of.
With both his grandfather and father having blonde hair, Christofer might come off as a bit strange with his slightly dark brown colored hair. Even though it would have been favoured for him to be a blonde, his father wanted to marry a woman he loved and that woman ended up on being a brunette. They did have children with light hair too, but occasionally a brunette would happen. Most of the kids died young because of unfortunate events, but that's beside the point. Another reason for his brown hair could be taken as a strategic move: Christofer is less likely to be made target by the rebels for he does not have the coveted features of bright blue eyes and lightly colored hair.
The boy has a black SS uniform of his own, but is mostly seen wearing the camouflage patterned clothes as he is busy with his work, not being allowed much free time outside of scheduled breaks.

Background - Having his granddad as the 3rd highest officer of the area while he was still working, and his dad as one of the main strategists, Christofer certainly has had some privileges throughout his life - he hasn't achieved as high of a rank though, one of the reasons being his not too favoured looks.
And then there is the fact that tends to shade his family line over all: the kindness and slight over usage of mercy. His grandfather, Andreas Schäefer, worked on a concentration camp when those used to exist, mostly having his job as the one taking care of a specific group of people. The man was notorious of giving the 'executed' second chances, ensuring that they'd still have people working on the factories, although his personal reason was for he didn't feel there was anything wrong with most of the people he was supposed to execute. They had to promote him to give the job to other officers (there was no de-ranking him as he was a good, harsh worker no matter and could easily reason why he did as he had chosen). And in the end, the man did do a fine job at what he was going for.
Christofer's father, Gabriel Schäefer, is one of anti-violent action. The man will avoid killing to the point where it is absolutely necessary. He used to be an enemy to the whole Nazi ideology, having only heard bad foul words of it from the rebels that lived in his home town, mostly often mentioning his father, but those words he knew to be false, mostly at least. Still, he grew up opposing war and combat, to the point where it was a necessity to him. After the supposed slaughter that was the end of his father, the man took his place temporarily, later switching to the strategist side.

Christofer himself was pretty much guaranteed a job amongst the military after he had finished his studies. The boy is therefore loyal to the militia and has had barely any contact with the rebels before the training. Christofer has no plans on switching sides anytime soon, having no desire to join the rows of people that have done harm to his family (the dead of Andreas).

Why they are here?
Christofer is the main Messenger between forths and occasionally gets the task of at least trying to get rid of some high-ranked rebels

And here is the surprise guest

2qira52.png*- Sergei Sila Volkov
*- 23 years
*- A former Soviet agent
*- Serbo-Russian
*- Mostly seen as a worker to the Schäefer family, a skilled fighter and has an admirable good aim with sniper rifles. No sights of rebellion, listed as safe individual but it is still required for people to keep an eye on him in case even a slight change in behaviour is noticed.
*- An assassin

Behaviour - Calm and collected, the man rarely speaks. His expression doesn't really change either, keeping the neutral look. Not easily angered, but does have a grim, bad sense of humor and you should not try to joke around with him, let alone ask for him to play a game with you - it will not end in the way you imagined.

Appearance - 193cm, he's a tall man with a lot of strength and hazel eyes (chestnut brown on the edges, green in the middle). Dark brown hair with a reddish hue to it.
Canid body structure close to that of a wolf or an Alaskan Malamute, sleek, but too outwardly muscular to be classified to the Siberian Husky class. Thick fur coat. Keeps him warm in the most cold of weathers. The layer of fur is thickest around his neck and torso. The fur might get tangled at times, but it's easy to smoothen it out by doing some simple grooming.
The man is allowed to move around wearing his common clothes, mostly it is limited to only the outer layer though, the other used clothes have been provided to him by the Schäefer family.
The insignia badge from his hat has been removed, showing and marking that he is not a thread to the German Nazi party.

Background - Most of his background is a mystery as the man refuses to speak of it. It is, however, known that the Serbo-Russian does have some ties to a hostile party - they are considered too minor to cause notable damage though after being separated to several smaller parties that now have no interaction with each other.
His mission, along with a group of others, was to eliminate the strategic lead of the Nazi party, one location at a time. The plans came to a hold when the Nazies managed to move the information and acknowledgement of the group further and faster than the group would advance. The Soviet troops did manage to take down a good portion of strategists - considering the size of the troops - before being caught and executed. Most of his comrades would want to be spared and gave off the information, only to be killed afterwards to prevent the information of their capture from being spread.
Sergei, being the 4th member of the troop, was in the middle ground: not low enough to be shot instantly, supposedly not possessing any valuable information, but not high enough to go through the rest of their days getting the information tortured out of them. The middle ground was put to use, made workers on factories or used for other means.

His and Christofer's lives cross at a point where the Schäefer family took the Serbo-Russian in their house, mostly to be temporarily held and then later on trained to serve. His main job is to take care of Christofer who constantly has to go on errands around the nation, as well as assist him when it comes to the stealthier missions the German is given. Besides, there seems to be some sort of connection between the turquoise eyed German and the Serbo-Russian. It is obvious that the man could easily dispose of the smaller one, but for some strange or secret reason, does not seem to ever even feel like attempting it.

Why they are here?
Basically he is Christofer's bodyguard

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