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Forums » Introductions » Ello!

-WolfFromTheMoon- Topic Starter

Kim wrote:
Welcome to the site! So fun to see you already making friends and RP connections! :D

Heh, yea, this site is really friendly and I thank you for the welcomes :)
My, it seems you're settling in quite nicely here! It's sweet to meet you by the way; I'm Lotus, but call me Light!

Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?
-WolfFromTheMoon- Topic Starter

LightSide-Lotus wrote:
My, it seems you're settling in quite nicely here! It's sweet to meet you by the way; I'm Lotus, but call me Light!

Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?
Nice to meet you as well! :) and yes I love all animals, well I try to be friendly with spiders but there to scary
Hey there and welcome to RPR, Wofie! I'm Rin. Nice to see you getting along with the others already! :D I love original characters too, and plenty of other players think likewise, so don't hesitate to go all-out in sharing your characters with us on here!

If you have any concerns, please do let us know. :)
Welcome to RPR! Everyone is so friendly here, I'm sure you've made some new friends already! :D

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Ello!

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