Kim wrote:
Welcome to the site! So fun to see you already making friends and RP connections! 

Heh, yea, this site is really friendly and I thank you for the welcomes

My, it seems you're settling in quite nicely here! It's sweet to meet you by the way; I'm Lotus, but call me Light!
Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?
Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?
LightSide-Lotus wrote:
My, it seems you're settling in quite nicely here! It's sweet to meet you by the way; I'm Lotus, but call me Light!
Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?
Random question time (I always do this with lots of new people, so you don't have to answer): It looks like you really like wolves. Do you have any other favorite animals?

Hey there and welcome to RPR, Wofie! I'm Rin. Nice to see you getting along with the others already!
I love original characters too, and plenty of other players think likewise, so don't hesitate to go all-out in sharing your characters with us on here!
If you have any concerns, please do let us know.

If you have any concerns, please do let us know.

Welcome to RPR! Everyone is so friendly here, I'm sure you've made some new friends already!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Ello!
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus