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Forums » Looking for RP » MurderTale (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan)

The monsters of the Underground were mourning their losses. Most of the population had already been depleted and it was all thanks to that rotten human. Nobody was able to rest easily after they had came along. Ever since the human left, everything had been a bit more peaceful. There was still chaos in the streets and Snowdin was mostly empty. There had beenonly greaving ever since. Some monsters had even commited suicide. Now, the name Chara had been cursed throughout the Underground. Now, Chara was coming back to...Well...Finish the job...

Logan had slowly began to wake up. He was lying in a bed of golden flowers...He turned his head to find that most of these flowers were dying. Some were charred black. He sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Hello? Anybody out there?" The young boy called out...BUT NOBODY CAME...

(This idea for MurderTale does not belong to me! I will leave a link for the origional idea!)
I might be interested.
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Okay, nice! I kinda lost the link for the origional idea, though... ._.
That's cool. I assume it's an AU or something. Anyways, are you wanting someone to play canon characters or not?
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Eh, I don't really care. .-.
Ok. Well, I do have some characters I could play.
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Okay, nice.
So when were you wanting to start this rp?
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Whenever your ready.
Wast his rp gonna be via forum thread or pm?
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Via forum thread
Ok. Well, I'm ready to startt he rp.
Logan Nakashima (played by Logan-Chan) Topic Starter

Okay! You can start it off then, mate.
Ok. I'll PM you a link when I got the thread up.

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