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Forums » Introductions » Helloooooo?

Hey guys, I'm new here, but not to roleplaying (though it has been a while). I'm up for anything :)
Hey, and welcome to the site! I'm Rin. Seems like you were invited here. :)

How are things going for you so far? And though you're up for anything, maybe you have some favorite genres? If so, what are they?

Oh, and what are your hobbies?
Hi there, and welcome to RPR! Could you possibly share with us what roleplay themes you like the best?
Minnie_Savio Topic Starter

Yes, indeed, I do have a few favorites. I like being a part of a story with adventure, humor, action, and (maybe it's the teenaged girl in me) a bit of romance. I prefer one on one roleplays, I'm not able to keep up and stay active with group roleplays, and it gets really confusing, haha.
As for some of my hobbies, there's reading, movies, and dancing.
What about you, friends?
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to the site! How did you find us? :D

I'm personally a huge knitting addict. :)
Helloooooo! My name is Marcat2001 but please call me Marcat! It's nice to meet you and welcome to the RP Repository if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. While you're here please have a lovely~ stay!
Minnie_Savio Topic Starter

Sanne~ My friend BLC-LITE was talking about a character he made, I asked what site and... POOF! I'm here.
haha With that picture of yours I woulda never guessed such an obsession!
Marcat~ Thank you so much!! It shouldn't be too hard to have such fun!
Welcome to RPR! Everyone here is super friendly, I'm sure you'll be making awesome new RP friends in no time! :D
Welcome to RPR! I hope you have a lovely time here. ^_^
Minnie_Savio Topic Starter

If any of you guys are up for an RP, I have one character set up. If she seems interesting, I'm up for anything. I'm thinking up another character now.

Hi there, newbie. And welcome to RPR. Please do enjoy your stay. Nice to meet you.
Welcome to one of the friendliest sites of the internet! Glad to have you!

Feel free to answer these questions: what is your favorite type of RP, and what was your last RP? Got any hobbies?
Welcome!!! <3
Kim Site Admin

Ooooh, dance is a huge hobby of mine as well! What kind of dance do you practice?

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