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Forums » Looking for RP » Dragon ball z rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


Im looking for people who want to do A Dragon ball z rp.It will help if you have knowledge of the show but i can inform you if you don't.
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 90%
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
Combat 80%
Wartime/soldier RPs. Combat is a given and will likely be graphic, but there's the potential for non-combat "in the trenches" scenes. World War 2, Vietnam, etc.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

Was gonna delete my half saiyen but then I saw your post. I'm interested in the rp
To if you have a story set up, I am all the way there. But I won't be using a Saiyan
What kind of story will we be following?
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Hudacious wrote:
What kind of story will we be following?
We will be following the dbz storyline but the group of characters will be from our world.IM still thinking of a way to get them in.
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Tyrus Sage wrote:
Was gonna delete my half saiyen but then I saw your post. I'm interested in the rp
Your character is great your in.
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

I have a couple ideas maybe the characters died then got reborn into the universe.Or fell through a portal reversing there age and changing there race.
Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

Both of them sounds great,I'll be up for either one of them
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

I'm ready if you guys are.
Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

I'm ready
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Which category do you think i should post the dbz forum in.
Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

Maybe fantasy or SciFi
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

i posted it under the Fantasy section check it out so we can begin.
Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

I checked it out. Do you wanna start us up
Karai "The Wisteria Phoenix" Outway

Birth date: January 13th
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (human years)
Height: 6'3
Weight: 207 lbs
Blood type:?

Tensa Ryujin-Zangetsu(daito longsword)

Intuitive Aptitude/Empathic Mimicry*
Chi/Aura Transmutation Mastery
Matter Absorption
Sharingan(Eternal Mangekyou*)
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Senses
Thermal Resistance
Supernatural Condition
-Hypersonic Speed/Agility/Dexterity

-Close Quarter Combat Specialist: is a highly skilled and dangerous combatant even without his Zanpakutō. In addition to his skill in swordsmanship, he is a master in hand-to-hand combat.
-Master Strategist & Tactician
-Master Marksmanship
-Tracking Expert/Espionage
-Indomitable Will
-Weaponry Expert

Here's my character, may we join, I guess my guy would kind of be the Trunks of the group even though he is not a Saiyan, he wields a longsword kept on his back, and he's a bit of a gadgets freak, but this nerdiness doesn't hinder him in battle...
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Phoenix_Avatar wrote:
Karai "The Wisteria Phoenix" Outway

Birth date: January 13th
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (human years)
Height: 6'3
Weight: 207 lbs
Blood type:?

Tensa Ryujin-Zangetsu(daito longsword)

Intuitive Aptitude/Empathic Mimicry*
Chi/Aura Transmutation Mastery
Matter Absorption
Sharingan(Eternal Mangekyou*)
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Senses
Thermal Resistance
Supernatural Condition
-Hypersonic Speed/Agility/Dexterity

-Close Quarter Combat Specialist: is a highly skilled and dangerous combatant even without his Zanpakutō. In addition to his skill in swordsmanship, he is a master in hand-to-hand combat.
-Master Strategist & Tactician
-Master Marksmanship
-Tracking Expert/Espionage
-Indomitable Will
-Weaponry Expert

Here's my character, may we join, I guess my guy would kind of be the Trunks of the group even though he is not a Saiyan, he wields a longsword kept on his back, and he's a bit of a gadgets freak, but this nerdiness doesn't hinder him in battle...
Yea you can.
Tyrus Sage (played by Cobra)

There are two other members interested in joining the rp, I have no idea what characters they will be using. But would you be willing to allow them to,they are really good at rp'ing and are dbz fans
PrinceOfChaos wrote:
Phoenix_Avatar wrote:
Karai "The Wisteria Phoenix" Outway

Birth date: January 13th
Gender: Male
Age: 24 (human years)
Height: 6'3
Weight: 207 lbs
Blood type:?

Tensa Ryujin-Zangetsu(daito longsword)

Intuitive Aptitude/Empathic Mimicry*
Chi/Aura Transmutation Mastery
Matter Absorption
Sharingan(Eternal Mangekyou*)
Enhanced Balance
Enhanced Senses
Thermal Resistance
Supernatural Condition
-Hypersonic Speed/Agility/Dexterity

-Close Quarter Combat Specialist: is a highly skilled and dangerous combatant even without his Zanpakutō. In addition to his skill in swordsmanship, he is a master in hand-to-hand combat.
-Master Strategist & Tactician
-Master Marksmanship
-Tracking Expert/Espionage
-Indomitable Will
-Weaponry Expert

Here's my character, may we join, I guess my guy would kind of be the Trunks of the group even though he is not a Saiyan, he wields a longsword kept on his back, and he's a bit of a gadgets freak, but this nerdiness doesn't hinder him in battle...
Yea you can.

Let me know when you are ready to start up, I'm good too go
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Tyrus Sage wrote:
There are two other members interested in joining the rp, I have no idea what characters they will be using. But would you be willing to allow them to,they are really good at rp'ing and are dbz fans
Sure man tell them to pm me.
PrinceOfChaos Topic Starter

Hey guys move to the place we are rping.Where we are roleplaying...

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Dragon ball z rp (closed)

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