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Forums » General Roleplay » Project Zero: FadingLight

Ziroh (played by Derglet)

Ah, the feeling of entering a new place... Strange, isn't it? Be it day or night, hot or cold, be the weather fine or stormy, the same feeling would be present. The place was packed with people of all ages, all waiting for an instruction. After all, that was what you all had been taught in life, was it not? To follow the rules set by others in hopes to have a future? The sound of a intercom turning on could be heard, silencing the noise of the assembled crowd. "All new recruits, we welcome you and ask that you make your way to the Main Hall so you can choose your favoured teams. Thank you." The message ended as people began to hurriedly push by each other towards the giant building. The first one who got there was the first to choose what team, right? Usually, they would choose the best teams possible, so they could end up reaching a more desirable future in the world full of pawns. They would feel false security as the ride starts, slow and nice, before taking that all away. But you knew how these things worked. Of course, everyone knew deep down inside. In this world, where Magic existed and Machines roamed, one could only roll the dice and see where they land. So, how would you go about this?
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos)

I made my way to the main hall at the pace i wanted to go even if i did get a team i would probably end up ditching them.However there could be some good people to fight so it might be worth it.
Talia (played by MoonKunoichi)

Talia ran until her breath became ragged and her lungs were fit to burst, her hair whipping wildly around her face in all directions. She had done it now. How she had ever managed to over sleep was beyond her comprehension but she had done it.

And now she was late.

Shushing her extremely loud grumbling stomach, Talia silently cursed herself for having not eaten any form of breakfast . Even though she had woken up late, Talia knew that with the butterflies in her stomach and her head buzzing with possibilities, there would've been no way she'd swallow a bite of anything, let alone a whole plateful. So she had left in a hurry, the thought about eating placed in the back of her mind.

But now that she was still late and had missed the meta railway to the main building, Talia found that running on an empty stomach was a very bad idea.

"Almost there!" She wheezed out, barely catching the last bit of the announcements. The main hall was less than twenty feet away and beyond that would hopefully be a team and career for Talia to feel natural with using her powers. That was all that she had ever wanted, all that her mother had wanted. If Talia could achieve such a thing, She would truly be happy.

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