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Forums » Art & Creativity » New project~~

Every once in a while I come up with some huge project I want to work on and it just takes MONTHS to do.

For instance,

My Rift creation
Nalagak, The Colossus

and then theres my more recent one, of all my favorite OC's and main characters in my manga.
For Vavel, We Fight

Now, I started a new one, and I guess you could call it a giant ass promo poster. i will do one of each of my main characters and well, its gonne be tough and take a lot of time. Here is my wip of 3 OC's. Raine, kazu and Ramsey.
The "Lets not screw it up" New project

I have high hopes of it, there will be probably around 8 giant posters. Thoughts? Critiques?
Kim Site Admin

It looks like a promising start to me! :D
I'm no artist, but I also think that it's a great start, and I can't wait to see the finished product!
Wow, I'm impressed! Your artwork is incredible!
InquisitorCat Topic Starter

Thank you everyone! I have touched it a little since i started it, then i got mad and stopped until I can think of how to make it better XD

if you fancy my art, theres a lot more here
I gotta ask--do you draw by hand first and then scan and do colors on the computer? Or what's your process? (And what programs do you use?!)

Your artwork is incredible and now I want to try my OWN hand at it. Cower in fear. xD
InquisitorCat Topic Starter

Haha, thats the way that I USED to draw and well... it wasn't pretty XD I graduated from paper and bout a bamboo wacom tablet. After using it my artwork improved by 70% I also use Photoshop cs5.

My process is pretty much open a new document with the appropriate size, and make a new layer, sketch out what i want it to look like, make a new layer and do a rough outline like what i posted below, then I make another layer and do my black lines. Pretty much, layers layers layers. haha They're really helpful.

Good luck!

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