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Forums » Introductions » Introduction.

Long term Disney (played anonymously)

I figured I'd say hello. I've only been on this site a few weeks, but I've been writing for years. I heard about this site through a friend and so far I am not disappointed. I'm of the opinion that if someone is willing to share their creativity with you and bring your ideas to life, it's exciting to do much the same for them. There's always a challenge or someone inspiring you to some extent, and that is what makes writing wonderful to me. I'm looking forward to finding something Disney or Harry Potter related to write, and I hope you find what you're after as well.
Yo, welcome to the site! I'm Rin. I think that would explain it as I figured that I've seen you around once or twice.

Happy to know you're enjoying the place so far. Writing really is a great thing, and so we're all here to write to our heart's content. ^_^

It's probable that you're a bit familiar with the site already, but feel free to ask us anything if you get confused with something!
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Thanks, I appreciate it. It's a bit more difficult to find someone to write with than I anticipated, but then with so much going on I can't fault others for being wrapped up in their prior writing and what they enjoy. I'll just have to be patient, though I cannot wait to sit down and write with someone for awhile.
Hi! It's nice to meet you, welcome! :)
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Likewise. So many great people on this site and I definitely prefer it over places like RP Haven. I've seen your ads, at least I believe they're yours. You've got a huge creative streak. xD
Sanne Moderator

Welcome mysterious RPR member! :D

You say you're having some difficulty finding players, maybe we can help? I noticed the profile you're posting with is blank. I don't know if you've been using that particular one to seek players with, but generally, empty profiles don't yield much interest. Most folks prefer one with content so they get a good impression of what's being offered. :) If you're not using other profiles, that might be what's giving some trouble.

We have a really awesome article that helps give people ideas that make for good profiles, if you're interested in reading it!
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Sanne, that would be wonderful. The lack of a profile was me being tentative as to whether I'd be comfortable on this site but I think the time for that has since passed. I'm sure I can come up with one. I'm just looking for someone who's looking forward to writing the night away much as I am. It's been too long since I've had a writing partner, exchanging ideas and writing story lines with them. I like the challenge and passion that comes with writing their ideas along with they writing my own. The suggestion is a good one, and thanks for it! That could well be the problem.
Hi there, and welcome to RPR! It looks like you are getting along with others fine, so I hope you continue to have a great time here! ^.^
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

So many great people here. At least I won't lack for conversation. xD
Hello it is nice to meet you.
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Likewise Yuki. I saw your topic earlier. Any luck finding what you're after?
Nope . 😭 I'm so bored right now. I'm sorry . If you ever see me post a topic, or see I have rp's started . Feel free to join.
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I'll keep your offer in mind. I'm more of a one on one sort of player rather than groups, though I'll play several characters. No problem on the apology, I hope you find what you're after!
I can do one on one. I would like to , but I usually end up killing the rp . My grammar must be that bad. my character's must be terrible. 😖 I don't know . Oh well enough about me . How are you enjoying it so far .
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

I think the expectation everyone has to be at a certain level is ridiculous. As we write, we grow with our creativity provided we're so inclined. Even if you don't strike the interest of a few, keep writing and don't let that discourage you. You will find someone to write with you, of that I'm certain. Grammar is subjective really and it's typically one of those things that come with experience. When you've written enough you'll still make an error here and there but it just becomes second nature; another reason for you to continue to write.

I'm liking it here a lot in comparison to other places I've tried to find people to write with. Like I mentioned prior, RP Haven during it's initial few months after opening was great. Shortly after with a combination of site errors and other things it was basically left by most of the decent writers there. I'm rambling though.
It's okay honestly ramble I have nothing better to do but listen. I might create a preacher character. Thank you by the by way .
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

You don't know what you're asking. When I start talking about my ideas I could go on for awhile. As the name suggests I'm looking for something involving Disney. Is that something you'd enjoy or do your preferences remain elsewhere? The important thing for me is that we'd both enjoy what's being written, if we decide to write together.
I can do Disney if you like . I don't have a character made for Disney , but I can whip one up. I don't mind I understand ideas are like a bag of candy . Just let me know what type of Disney you want to do .
Long term Disney (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Toss me a PM and we'll talk in about a half hour if you're around. I think your willingness to try is a very good trait and I'm definitely interested in attempting to come up with something with you. I just have to take care of a few things and get settled for the night.
Okay 😃

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