So I was kinda sorta wondering if there were going to be delete buttons on comments and things of that nature in the near future.
I second this idea, actually. I was surprised when I started a forum topic and realized things couldn't be deleted, like responses and stuff.
If you mean comments like guestbook comments, delete buttons have been there since the day they were released. Go to edit the character profile, navigate to editing the page where your guestbook widget is, and look for the little red X on the comment you want to kill. It's going to be right after the name of the commenter, and the date. You do not have to open the widget to its edit panel.
My thoughts exactly. xD
And thanks, Kim! I should be more observant. Still wondering about regular posts, though.
And thanks, Kim! I should be more observant. Still wondering about regular posts, though.
I'm not a fan of delete buttons on a forum, personally. If someone's messing up your topic, you can report them to Kim (and staff if she gets any in the future) to delete unwanted replies.
If the search feature gets updated for the forums, old information that people may delete could be very valuable to other (new) players. Plus, accidental deletes suck even if there's a popup for it...
If the search feature gets updated for the forums, old information that people may delete could be very valuable to other (new) players. Plus, accidental deletes suck even if there's a popup for it...

As far as the forums go, it's highly unusual to offer delete buttons to anyone but moderators. In fact I can't think of any forum I've ever used that's given those powers out.
If you need a topic moved to a different board, closed, or there's someone harassing/spamming you in it, please report it.
If you need a topic moved to a different board, closed, or there's someone harassing/spamming you in it, please report it.
Our forums has a delete function.
Its quite useful in case you change your mind.
Its quite useful in case you change your mind.
You are on: Forums » Suggestions & Development Discussion » Delete buttons, maybe?
Moderators: Mina, Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus