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Forums » Forum Games » Let the Creations speak!

So, this is a game inspired by the other character-related games in this forum and SINDragon's amusing way of distancing himself from his characters.
The rules are simple - you let your characters answer questions about YOU, giving their own opinion on your certain traits, habits, likes or dislikes.
Each person will have one of his characters reply to the question asked, before making one himself for the next person. The character will be picked by a dice roll, of one 10 sided dice, just like in the game "Would your character ever...". If the number of the dice exceeds the number of your characters, just continue from the top.
Another thing - now this is not a rule, but I think it will add a bit - have the character elaborate on the topic, for like two or three sentences. Let our lovely creations finally be able to speak their minds about their writers~! (Let's just hope the opinions will be positive...)

So, the first question is:

What do you (the character) think of your Writer's dressing style?
Please tell me if I'm doing this wrong.
Well I believe everyone has their own style for everything and Marcat or __Actual_name_goes_here__ doesn't exempt from this she is a Tom boy who could care less how she looks as long as she is comfortable. I mean I can't say I prefer her style because I like girly girls, but I wouldn't change a thing about her! She loves Leather and Denim if you see her anywhere with out one or the other run cause that's not her! She is one of the guys she just gets dressed in whatevers clean and goes. She dresses in darker colors because they match her look though she loves light colors too. Over all she dresses like she doesn't care who's watching you go Marcat!

Do you like your writer?

rolled 1d10 and got 9

Curiously, if the roleplayer has 100+ characters and has 10 slots, but left the last slot to the other 90? How does that go? I got the list in order.
Weronikus Topic Starter

@Marcat2001: You did great, but you didn't answer another question for the next person xD

@robinrose: Well, I... Didn't think people do that, but in that case I'd say roll a dice with more sides, and go through the characters in the last slot as if the roleplayer had that many character slots.
Well you could toss me a question xD
Omega (played by LavaCanyon)

Do I like my writer?
I almost have to respect my god don't I? He leaves me in peace and has given me the power that I have.
He is a human which is the species I have been slowly eliminating these past years, why wouldn't he have put a stop to that by now? It is because what I am doing doesn't interfere with his life and is letting this world play out normally, It's admirable.
Or is it uncaring? It really doesn't matter to me.

What would you do if you were able to met your god for an hour? Put into consideration that you are also in your god's world

rolled 1d10 and got 5

Alena Avereen
Status: Goddess of Logic
Gender: Female

"I wouldn't be surprised if there is a god that created another god. There is bound to be gods of every elements but it was unexpected that I was....logic. There isn't much I can do. All well knowing I wish I could relive again and remove the past experiences in the past but that is all part of life. You know what you were doing. Why is the question...but there are reasons behind it is it not? You are my creator. Reasons that I do understand yet I do not know either. I would talk...understand your reasoning. The existence of myself and to your world.....the place you create and the place you put me isn't bad. It has been interesting.....But some romance...could be added for........For it has been lonely."

Recognizing that your past has been written by your creator. What would you do?

rolled 1d100 and got 81

rolled 1d6 and got a natural 5. After the modifier of +1, got 6

  • Matt: Honestly, knowing stuff like that wouldn't bother me so much. I mean, sure, I'd be confused as all hell, but it all sounds like some RPG plot if you ask me.
  • Natalie: Ummm... I'm not sure he could've written something like our past.
  • Anna: ...What?

What would your character do if their creator is wavering whether or not to delete them?
It's still quite odd to me thinking that my creator would be thinking to delete me. Like, I'm his greatest creation. It would haunt his mind 'till he remade me. So I wouldn't have to do anything.
Us? His greatest creation? I find that hard to believe. He had to have had some kind of imaginary friend as a child that was better than us. A human turned to vampire after his whole family is slaughtered by werewolves, and then on top of that has the spirit of an ancient dragon there talking to him in his head as if he some crazy being. You sound more like a bag of problems that a great creation to me.
Not now Krys. I swear you exist just to aggravate me.
I believe this forum is called let the creations speak, so I should speak too.
Fine, I'll play along what would you do?
What can I do, I'm just the spirit of a dragon inside a vampire.
Ugh anyway, let's see next question... Ahh Krys gave me an idea what do you think of the flaws your creator gave you?
Monochrome "Lucia"
Status: Goddess of Judgement
Gender: Female

"Flaws? What flaws? My power extends my influence those above and below me. What I say becomes the law....right Mr. Creator? Though the position that granted me such power has been a very boring....Each year where I can torment only one person. Excessive power and not enough action displeases me. But...since I am a Goddess...could I not order you to make it better? No. You already gave me entertainment. This Talon person is really interesting. He is such a pet."

It's your creator's birthday, what will you do?

rolled 1d100 and got 95

Safineia (played by Weronikus) Topic Starter

Do I need to do anything special? A birthday is simply a day that dates when somebody was born. Why should I celebrate something that's just a normal day, with the exception that from now on my Creator is no longer XX years and 364 days old, but X(X+1) years and 0 days old? Truthfully, if it were to have any sense whatsoever, the celebration should take place at the exact time of birth, because otherwise, you are celebrating the birthday, after the time the person in question was born that many years ago. In the case of my Creator, that's 3:23 am. My Creator doesn't know the seconds, to which I strongly disapprove. Returning to the topic at hand, if I woke her up at that time to wish her a happy birthday, it would already be past that time,a dn the entire ordeal wouldn't be worth it.
So logically... It makes no sense, right?

A question for a question: What do you thing of your Creator's hobbies?
Nielle (played by Lucretire)

"Hobbies?" The catboy mused as he looks at his creator up and down. "I honestly find her... Hobbies a bit odd. What she does in her spare time is yell over the phone at her male friend to stop sending her.... Smut, was it? And yet she looks at said smut later on by herself. She's an utter paradox when it comes to some of her hobbies." He pauses to think for a moment. "However... Her saner hobbies such as books and game toys, those I don't mind. In fact, I share in her reading hobby from time to time. Who wouldn't like a good book? ...That was a question, right? The last thing I said." His brow furrows in soft befuddlement. "Ah..."

If you could gift your creator one weapon, skills and all, which one do you think would suit them best?

rolled 1d10 and got 5

rolled 1d8 and got 8

Archon (played by Draken901)

"..." The Wargish Golem stands in thought for a brief moment. "If we're talking physical weapons..." He ponders once again, remembering that his Creator is quite the weakling... and asthmatic. "I suppose a Halberd or Sword and Shield would suite him nicely... long as they aren't too heavy. He is not an outdoor person at all, especially since he's pretty much allergic to just about everything, as well as having... that lung disease on top of it... So, rather, perhaps a exoskeleton or suit of some kind would help him more?"

If you could make your creator change any one thing about you, what would it be, and why?
Azael - SIN Unit 002 (played by Derglet)

"I would make 'em change the fact that I can't reach into whatever plane of existence they're in and rip 'em apart. Why? I think it's self-explanatory. Do ya think I enjoy suffering? Do ya think I enjoy watching the world crumple with every step taken? The people of my world are cowering in fear, but why? You'd think that rusty ol' Dragon would of helped us by now, but they're too busy messing with other worlds. Destroying 'em, watching the people suffer, not giving a single damn." The young hero spoke, a dark gas seeping out of their mouth. It was safe to say, my little bundle of joy wasn't particularly happy. Well, no-one's happy when it involves me, it seems. Why does everyone but Rose and Eltrith hate me so much?

So, if you and your Creator were to meet, what type of thing would you want to do with them?
Maxwell (played by Lucretire)

The white-haired man takes one glance at his blushing Creator, taking a moment to give a playful wink and revel in earning her flustered behavior.

"What would I want to do with my Master? Hmm... Very... Personal and pleasant things. I would want to learn more about her in any way I possibly can..." A soft, sly grin chisels into his features. "Of course, I'm that way with all beauties that catch my eye."

He frowns as he catches her self-defeating protests about herself and aims his next few words in her general direction: "However, first I'd be more inclined to give her a stern talk about her own self-worth..."

If you had to say two good things about your Creator, what would they be and why?

rolled 1d10 and got 9

Rollin' rollin' rollin' rollin'
I'll say that that falls on Toffi

Uhhh... Well... I'll get beaten up if I talk meanly, so... I'll not mention the abuse or such... ... ... Yeah...
Well, at least they sometimes let me eat sweets, unlike Sergei, but it's rare. They forget to give me some...
And they let me keep my scarf or something similar when they draw pictures. I do like the scarf... Mhm....

If you could, would you run away from your creator and why would you do/not do that?

rolled 1d6 and got 5
Only got so many

Status: Immortal
Gender: Male

"Run away? Why would I run away? The creator knows full well of my powers, and I can come to his reality and kill him. I do hold some grudges how he wrote my past and as well as everyone's else. There is that fear of not having a happy ending that will torment me from the inside. But I feel that the creator has a kind heart. Business is just business. I helped him on several occasions.....and what are those you ask? I will keep those as a secret."

What will you do if you can become the creator one day and do whatever you want?

rolled 1d100 and got 24

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