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Forums » Introductions » Enter, pursued by a bear.

Hey there, lovely people! I'm Alice aka Majidae, and I managed to stumble onto this site through a series of strange coincidences and random happenstance and I am SO EXCITED. It's been years since I've RP'd over a forum! MMO RP is great but it just doesn't scratch the itch like play-by-post used to. So I'm really keen to get back into things.

I've been RPing most of my life, starting out on the Neopets forums then graduating to a number of Proboards, e-mail buddies, and my older brother's epic D&D campaign (which lasted my entire high school years!). I've also always been a fan of writing, and along with graphic design, it's one of my life's major passions.
Because of that, I'm holding down a few freelance jobs while I look for something more solid; I do graphic design work, train dogs, occasionally offer editing skills, and I've even gotten my poetry published a few times (and gotten paid for it)!

I do have quite a few pets: two cats (H.P Lovecraft and Edgar Allen Poe) and four dogs (Razor, Rumble, Hi-Fi and Freddy Mercury). Each of them is endearing in any number of ways, and they're also the biggest collection of idiots ever. That's why I love them, though...

Most of my RP preference is in Modern/Urban Fantasy, but I enjoy your typical RPG-esque settings as well. Nonetheless I can't wait to see what adventures I can find here and what new friends I can make!
Welcome to RPR! With interests like that I'm sure you'll fit in here just fine :) If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Everyone here is super friendly and always happy to help! :D
Hello, and welcome to RPR! I remember I used to try and RP on some MMOs, but not a lot of people really did it, even if it was inside of a RP server. It is definitely better to just be able to write. ^.^
Dear gods, I like you already! A graphic designer and you write poetry? I'm sure you'll definitely fit right in! (You impressed me, honestly. XD)

But, welcome to RPR! I'm Lotus, but please call me Light! It's awesomely sweet to meet you!

Though you have some knowledge of forum RP, the help section is a boon to new people and experienced roleplayers alike! And if you have any questions at all, me and everyone else are happy to help!
Hallo there~ Most interesting person it seems :3 You seem to have quite a bit going for yourself, I'm not sure what I can even say to all of that x3

That's a lot of animals xD You probably never have a dull moment in your life~
But hey, definitely welcome to the site and I hope you enjoy your stay here~
Sanne Moderator

Hi Alice, welcome to the RPR! Coincidentally, my RPing adventure also started on Neopets when I was in my early teens. :D (Which is probably a decade and a half ago by now.)

You sound like you'll have no problem making friends and starting stories here. :) Do you have any questions for us at all?
Majidae Topic Starter

Haha, no questions so far! Just enjoying the warm reception and exploring the site ♥
Thank you though!
Yo, welcome to the site, Alice! I'm Rin. Love your icon by the way!

I gotta say, I kind of envy you. After I graduate, I plan to take on multiple jobs as a freelance too! I'll most likely end up with writing and illustration though, not that it's a bad thing, haha!

Wow, I'm glad your pets get along well. They do, right? XD I only have two right now: an aspin named Waffles, and a shih tzu named Oreo (no, I didn't name them).

Welp, if you run into any problems, tell us right away and we'll help you out the best way we can. ;) Stay as long as you like!
Welcome to RPR! I'm Xauna, but you can call me Xau! It's really awesome to meet you! Also, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask any of us for help! DND is epic, just sayin.

Welcome to RP Repository! I hope you enjoy it here!
Hello and welcome to RPR~
Hope you are having fun and getting that itch scratched here ^_^
If you need anything be it someone to chat with, RP, or help with the site I'm glad to help out any way I can so feel free to PM me anytime ^w^
Hope you enjoy your time here~


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