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Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy-esque Rp (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Nael (played by Jay_Madness)

I'm looking for a (preferably) long term RP Partner for my OC Nael. I don't really have very many guidelines, my world is basically a more magical version of our actual world. Nael comes from a small island just off of Norway, and basically he's an Angel. In his story he escapes from his captors, ending up in a world he knows virtually nothing about.

Nael himself is a bit cold-hearted, he knows nothing of basic human morality and so really has no control over his actions, he does what he wants and that's all.

I'd really love to develop him further, sorry if my description is really vague. I'm not new to rp per-say just new to this sort of forum like rping. :) Anyways, message me if you're interested!

Just to be a little more clear, my Angels are not your typical Angel. They do have wings but that's about as far as that goes angel wise. They have no affiliation with any gods, they're just another species on our planet. They are stronger than humans and a few can use magic(?). The main thing though is that the High Class/Royals are cannibals, they typically buy and/or capture lower classes of their race and either have them as servants or just use them as food. It really depends on their mood and the actual Angel themselves. Nael was lucky in that his "owner" saw him more as a pet than anything, which gave him leeway to escape :3

On that note, if anyone is still interested I'd be very happy to RP!
Magic 60%
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Technology 50%
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

I'm interested in trying this out. You will be the first person I actually role play with here haha.
I'm interested as well! I've got some characters to RP with that are fitting into your world. Sign me up!
Im interested if you are still looking.
me too
Nael (played by Jay_Madness) Topic Starter

LightingGod wrote:
I'm interested in trying this out. You will be the first person I actually role play with here haha.

Hey! Sorry for the late reply! You'd be the first for me as well XD so, it's perfect! :) Message me and we can talk over it a bit more?
hey i would love to rp with u :)

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Fantasy-esque Rp (closed)

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