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Forums » Looking for RP » The "Boring" Tale of a Shopkeep (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Ryu Genasumi (played by Ryu)

Your character was employed as lowly shopkeep at the local storefront of a massive trade company. Not much happened, and the owner of the shop seemed to be busy all the time. Your character worked hard though and made decent money. Supplying loans, handling trade paperwork, stocking and selling surplus items. It was all in a days work.

Then one day there was news that the founder and owner of the entire company was coming to town. This sent your boss into a flurry of excitement and worry. You haven't heard much about this Founder, and it seemed that when you tried to find out more information the shroud of mystery grew thicker.

Your boss hired you to be the personal envoy and guide for the Founder during his stay in your sleepy little town.

What would the Founder be like you wonder? And more importantly why was he here?
Magic 50%
Magic is rare, but not unheard of. Mundane characters may or may not believe in it. Magical characters may form small and exclusive pockets for study, protection, etc.
Technology 30%
Combat 40%
Unrest may be part of the setting, but any scenes that happen to involve combat may be summarized.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Yes. This I want to join.
Ryu Genasumi (played by Ryu) Topic Starter

theRevil wrote:
Yes. This I want to join.

What character were you thinking?
I was thinking of playing as James. He tends to fit in better in these types of stories.
Ryu Genasumi (played by Ryu) Topic Starter

Can you provide a little more information on him. He is a tad vague I'm afriad. A good idea of who he is will help me set the scene and what have ye.
There isnt much more to tell about him. I keep my characters vague for a reason, I like to develope them over time so everytime I roleplay with a certain character they tend to turn out differently.
Ryu Genasumi (played by Ryu) Topic Starter

Not really sure he'd work out. Sorry.
Hmmmmmm, well that's a problem, then. Would Revil work at all?

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