"But he was calling him names. And he tried to hit him."
"But it's not fair!"
"Alright, follow your troublemaker brother to the office!"
"Fine!" She got up and followed Rajin.
Rajin sat down in the office and kicked his feet onto a table.The principal was already calling his parents.
Faye went in the office and took a seat next to Rajin.
I picked up the ringing phone."Hello?"The principal explained what happened."Okay i'll be there in a couple of minutes."
I had just finished making breakfast and had walked into the living room with two plates. "Who was that?"
"Did something happen?"
"Rajin tossed someone out a window and Faye talked back to her teacher."
"Oh no.."
I sat on the couch and waited.
Faye was waiting.
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