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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Rain Of Vengance

The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"But he knows how she gets when she's mad.."

(So what do you think of Sasha being pregnant? I'm not sure what your response meant)
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

(I don't have a problem with her being pregnant.)

"Yeah, but he feels like he is right."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)


"But so does she.. So who's right?"
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"I have to agree with Rajin."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"So if someone tried to hurt me, it would be okay for me to hurt them first?"
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I nodded."Yes.It's also okay to hurt them if they're hurting good people."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Okay, any ideas on how i should deal with your mother?"
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"I don't know.. Maybe try to figure out if somethings going on with her? She seems grumpier than usual.. Maybe you should do something special for her?"
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"I'll go see what's wrong with her and i'll think of some things to do for her."I stood up and walked downstairs.Grumpier than usual.What is that a sign of?
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Okay." She went to her room.

I was still crying.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I walked over to her."Sasha what's wrong?Just this thing with Rajin can't really make you this upset."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"It's not just Rajin.. It's you and.. I don't know..."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"What did i do?"
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"But you said i'm part of the reason you're upset."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"I don't know.. I'm all confused.."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I closed my eyes to think.Okay, she's a lot easier to anger, she's more angry than usual, she doesn't know why she's mad.Okay, let me piece together these things.I thought for a minute or two then opened my eyes wide."Oh, crap baskets."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"What?.." I look at him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Are you pregnant?"

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