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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Rain Of Vengance

The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"I.. Um.. I love you."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I grinned madly"Well you finally admit it.And love you as well you beautiful fire wielding maniac."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

I smile. "I'm only a maniac when someone messes with my fire, and there's a reason for that."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"What's is the magnificent reason for that love.Please tell me"I was generally curious about her love for fire.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Well.. I basically am fire. And ice.. And light.. I'm the uh, goddess of those I guess. I love them all, but fire is.. Special. It's so.. Beautiful. Yet so.. Destructive at times. It can help, or it can harm."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I thought about that so specific explanation."Well didn't know i was having a kid with a goddess of fire, ice, and light.It's cool though."I kicked my feet up into another chair.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Yea. So.. What are you?"
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I looked at her confused"What do you mean love."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Well, like I'm a goddess. What are you? You have powers so you have to be something.. Right?"
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I shook my head."Well sorry miss goddess i'm just a human who has access to ki."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Why the dull response love."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"I don't know what else to say."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I nodded"Alright so how long does it take a goddess to give birth."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Not long. A couple weeks maybe."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I leaned back."That's pretty quick compared to the normal time."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"Yea. Not a lot of time to prepare."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I groaned a little"This means i have to build a new house for us."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

"You don't have to build it. We could buy one."
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

I shook my head no."Nah i've built houses before and i want my wife and child to have a great house."

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