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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Rain Of Vengance

The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

She sat next to him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

Kenta walked into the class room.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Faye followed him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

He sat in the front.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

She sat next to him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

The teacher walked in."Hell class we have a new student.Mr.Omega would you please stand."

Rajin stood up.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Everyone looked at Rajin.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Mr.Omega please tell us about yourself."

He scratched his head."Well my name is Rajin Omega."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Everyone was listening.

Aria smiled at him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"That's my sister."He pointed at Faye.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Faye waved.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"I was in Juive for four years.And i just got out a like two weeks ago."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Some of the kids were shocked.

"Why?" One brave kid asked.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Well the first time was some people bullying her."I pointed at Aria."I went in for attempt in murder.The second time they where messing with my sister and my friend."I pointed at Faye and Kenta."I broke their bones and made some of them not able to use their arms and legs anymore so i went back in for three more years."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

The poor kid looked like he was going to wet himself.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"Don't piss me off and you have nothing to worry about."
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

He nodded, scared.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

"And lastly i'm not single."He sat down.
The Heller Family (played by Guardian_Girl)

Aria was smiling at him.
Zero Blank (played by PrinceOfChaos) Topic Starter

The teacher nodded slowly."Well let's begin class."

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