Kenji put his hand across his eyes and shook his head."It will be a pleasure traveling with you. However I really do wish you would stop casing every living thing as if you are an animal in heat. Or better yet and idiotic babbon."He said with anger saying it loud enough for him to hear underwater."such a waste those fish and animals are just going to be wasted. If your going to kill something have the decency to eat it." he said scolding Nico seeing how he was Nico's elder he deemed it appropraite.
Kuro sighed. "There really is no help for him, there isn't a decent thing about him. He won't even be decent enough not to crawl around in peoples minds and meormies, I swear I wish he never came around here, and now I can not make him go away." Kuro shook her head. The felt her headache pounding against her head and put her hand to her forhead and leaned against a nearby tree.
Kenji closed his eyes and nodded."WEll i certainly most agree with your statement, though if that bugger decides to go through my mind... well certainly he'll get a mouthfull." he said shaking his head again. He looked to Kuro and then began to speak with her. "well you know what they say about annoying humans, the best way to make them shut up is speak intelligent." he said with a smile.
kuro laughed lightly. "Yeah, but Nico, it doesn't matter what way you talk to him he'll just scream like an idiot." Kuro sighed. "I'm going to go get him, we don't need some sick ignorat human taging along slowing us down and making us easier to find." Kuro tried to get up off the tree but failed and slide down the side of the tree, her headache already getting the best of her. "Damn it, his screaming gave me a mindgrain."
kenji sighed looking at his and walked over to the tree and gave the a little knock, causing the whole tree to rumble. It was the same thing he did before, hopefully he would fall out."You are right about htat if he screams some more well be spotted easy." he said waiteing for nico to fall out of the tree/
((whoops typo sorrys))
((whoops typo sorrys))
"Yeah, someone should reall super glue his mouth shut, save alot of people some pain." Kuro winced at the pain in her head she grabbed her backpack and searched in it for her asprin. When she finally found it she read the back of it to see she needed to wait another two hours before she could take another one. "Just great I get one of my bad headaches from Nico and I can't take anymore asprin to kill it off. I sure hope you're happy, Nico you ass." Kuro as she fliched at the pain.
Kenji sighed and then put a hand on kuros head, gently rubbing it as a way to soother her headache."well maybe we can get someone to super glue it shut. All other ways don't seem to be working.: he said with a laugh.
Kuro laughed lightly and looked up at Kenji. "Thanks." She smiled at him. "And if that doesn't work we can always make him go deaf so he can't hear us and won't say a thing." Kuro sighed, with a light smiled. She hadn't been able to joke around let alone talk to anyone like this since she left her brother at her masters home. She stuck her hand in her pocket and held the knife in it tightly remembering her brother, she though about how him and Kenji acted alike even though her brother is human and Kenji is a vampire.
Kenji smiled again underneath his bandages and then retreated his hand. "eh, well we can always use him as a decoy until he makes things to messy. but nonethe less im pretty sure it will all work out." he said content his deep voice rising and falling. His chest barely moving as he talked, he was glad to be underneath the tree and out of the blaring noon sun.
Kuro sighed, her headache calming down some. "We'll just have to wait and see but if does something to piss me off again I'm going to be the one to kill him. He can be useful since most creatures attack humans and he can be used as biat to lead something away from the rest of us." Kuro put her asprin bottle back in her backpack and kept one of her hands in er pocket clutching her pocket knife.
So... a migrain, huh... I'll make u a deal... no more calling me an ass....and if youre planning on using me as bait, migt as well give away youre position!" Nico screamed at the last part, "DEAL!?"
Kuro flinched when Nico screamed. "Fine I won't call you an ass, but you can be used as bait, all we need to do is ducktape your mouth shut. Just please, for the love of everything good stop screaming before I rip your vocals out right now." Kuro hissed the last part, pulling out her pocket knife and flipping it open and pointed at him with the ingravings showing. "And do not chance me, I am not buffing and trust me I well rip your thoart out of your neck." Kuro growled, her headaches always made her more tempermental.
Kuro caught what Nico said about her. "If you have something to say to me, say it to my face Nico." She growled then leaned back against the base of the tree, placing her pocket knife on top of her lap and sighed. "I'm going to rest some, so please Nico try not to scream at hell today." Kuro closed her eyes and after a few minutes she fell asleep.
Nico laughed. then dove into the pond, splashing water all over Kuro, purposely.
Kuro groaned when Nico splashed water on her. "Hell driven monster." She called out lound enough for Nico to here. She let the air dry her off as she fell back asleep.
Nico came up from the water, "Well, im certainly not the half monster, thats for sure," He went back underwater, to play with the fish.
(Who? ChaosTheMew?)
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