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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Water's lies (Open!)

Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro kept her eyes on the guy that the other man said was a vampire. "Why do you want me to stay, it is a good thing that I'm part animal I won't be very appeling(sp?) to him, vampires like to drink form humans." Kuro back away another step form the vampire, trying to get a safe distance away.
Kenji (played by fallensiner)

Kenji let out a slight pause barely looking up to see the two, he could smell them, on human the other a cross breed."which one of you is h-human....I need a donation..." he said reaching into his pocket pulling out gold coins. He despretly needed it fighting off his instict to kill, his grey eyes looked at them he was weak, unable to fight of the event of an attack due to this state. "I..dont want any trouble.." He said with a dark seductive yet solem voice.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Vampires r faster than you Kuro... dont bother running..." said Nico pulling a throwing knife from his jacket.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

(*appealing* i think...)
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro reached for her knife that was stashed in the back of her waist band on her jeans. "We both count as humans, I only have animal DNA mixed with mine." Kuro knew that the vampire proably couldn't see where the other man was, who she guessed was full human.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Yes...I'm full human, Kuro...We'll let him squirm for blood first..." Nico grinned.
Kenji (played by fallensiner)

Kenji stepped back from the male, panting. He pulled his short collar on his trench coat over his chin."im not trying to cause trouble...please....Im not as evil as you think...human if you were to cut yourself I might not be able to handle myself....I havent drank in three weeks." he said stepping back the sunlight making him weak.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Youre call Kuro...I can kill him without hestitation..." said Nico, jumping into the pond below.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro looked between the vampire and human. "This isn't my battle, he wants your blood not mine, it is your choice not mine but he could be of some help to us. He has to prove that he won't hurt us when we're not on guard." Kuro couldn't help but take another step back form the vampire, not feeling great about being around him. She would have run, she knew she would be safer and go back to the way she was, roming(sp?) the forest.
Kenji (played by fallensiner)

Kenji knelt down on the ground the pounding sunlight draining him. He made sure his face was covered by the bandages and hair over his eyes. Looking down he made himself humble trying not to start any quabble with these two. He aimlessly wandered into the forest clearing, he would try to defend himself though he would not be as fast as he normally would however. "please...."he said with a gentle voice that resonanted from him, being as calm as possible.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

Nico grabbed a fish from the pond cut it open and threw it at the vampire. "I dont care if it's good, just drink it."
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro though about for a moment, she knew she could handle alot of blood loss. She looked at the vampire then that the human. "No, I know animal blood isn't as good as human's mine should work just fine ssince I am still more human than animal." Kuro knelt down to the vampire and stuck out her wrist. "I know it might not be very good, but it's better than nothing."
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Pull away Kuro he'll suck u dry (hahaha...pervert)," Nico said, warning her.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro shook her head. "Either way it would help someone, I don't care what happens to me, I've dealt with blood lost I can handle it." Kuro said in a emotionless voice, flipping her wrist over to where the vein showed.
Kenji (played by fallensiner)

Kenji looked at the woman with gentle eyes, he gently took her wrist and gave it cold kiss on the back of her hand."thankyou my lady...." he said polite and undid the bandages around his face. He had gently features to his face, masculine though a small hint of femininsim. His lips were gently formed, he restrained himself, he opened his mouth and let his fangs out. He stopped and took out a small sharp knife and took her hand and pricked her finger. As soon as it drew blood kenji began to drink from the small wound, not wanting his generous donor to come into harms way.
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"If you say so...Ive killed vampires before though... he seems to be trustable...until hes compltely fine..." Nico went on.
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro fliched some when the vampire pricked her figner, confused why he didn't bite her wrist. She could feel him drink her blood, she didn't feel dizzy yet, she only felt dizzy when she lost slot of blood. She was a little scared. "It doesn't matter....."
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Why... are you helping this Vampire...he kills people and drinks there blood for fun..." Nico paused, "VAMPIE!! DO ONE THING TO TICK ME OFF AND YOURE DEAD GOT THAT?!"
Kuro Sakuranbo (played by KuroSakuranbo14) Topic Starter

Kuro sighed. "It doesn't matter to me weahter I die or not. He needs my blood more than I do, I doubt that he has done any of the stuff you say he might do."
Nico Nightengale (played by jyoshi)

"Whatever..." Nico blew his hair back.

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