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Forums » Looking for RP » House of beasts (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I leaned against the trunk of the tree and looked at the clouds.
Jake (played by Foxtrot0813)

I looked up at the clouds and sigh and look back over to you " well it was nice meeting you " I say ad I start to walk off.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I nodded. " maybe we can meet again." I called after him.
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko walked into the forest, barely noticing that he had gone in a complete circle and was getting farther from his destination. He sighed and leaned and against a tree, with little knowing of the male walking away from the tree he was leaning on.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I layed in the grass in my neko form. My ear fur ruffling in the wind. " better get back to the house before jay comes looking for me."
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko stretched, yawned and started to walk away He pulled out and reread the written invitation to some sort of house. He set off in the general direction of the house.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I skipped back to the house. and saw jay waiting for me out side the door.
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko arrived at the house.. he sighed again and checked his watch, it was 9:00 PM... he weakly fist pumped and walked towards the door. Being to tired to notice the girl before him. (Gotta go to sleep. I like your RP style... ;) have fun!)
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

( thanks you too. :3 )
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

(Last. Post)

Maeko bumped into her, he fell backwards, snoozing. Being so tired as to fall asleep when falling must've meant that he was up all night. Which he had been for the majority of the day.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

(okay lol)
I jumped into jays arms terrified.
Jay (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

" Calm down Saph" I said petting her head to soothe her.
Jake (played by Foxtrot0813)

I stop and sit Down on the ground.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I calmed down and went into the house and layed on the couch
Jake (played by Foxtrot0813)

I rub my eye and wipe mor blood off.
Jay (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

I picked up the Neko male and set him on the other couch to rest
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko leapt up at the contact with the couch, he looked around and sighed. It seems he had reached where he was planning on going.
Sapphire (played by rosywolf) Topic Starter

" Oh good your away its almost time for dinner* I purred.
Maeko Kurogumi (played by Nekoshou6241)

Maeko looked skeptically at her and let his head sink down. He fell back asleep with the words, "Wake me up when it's ready"
Jake (played by Foxtrot0813)

I fall a sleep outside on the ground.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » House of beasts (closed)

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