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Forums » Looking for RP » LF Long Term RP Partner (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I have a few plots in mind, but before I get to those, some ground rules.
  • I'm okay with a large variety of subject matter, so I need to know what you're uncomfortable with so I won't include it/can pick appropriate characters. The only places I really draw the line are excessive gore/torture.
  • If a situation leads to it, I actually will kill off my own characters. [It's preventable, but still possible.]
  • I'm a lot more lax about post length now than I was a while ago, but I would like my partner to be able to match, if not surpass, my post length.

I'm looking for a good long term RP that will update around once or twice a day at most, once a week at the least, with posts that can drive story forward without having to use multiple filler posts between for minor reactions, if that makes sense. If it doesn't, I get it. You can get an idea of what I have in mind by going to the links at the bottom of this post to get an idea.

Now onto the plots/settings~ Plots are flexible. Settings are just a general world and plot will be determined by the characters being used. If you have multiple characters in mind, then just let me know. I put all the RPs I do with other people here in a separate group so we don't have to worry about the age restriction stuff and blah de blah~

- [Setting] Where Magic Lies: Set in a world where mages are the norm, non-magic users are strange and almost unheard of. A thing of legend. Medieval setting with minimal technology.
- [Setting] A World Born From War: The world you knew came to an end. For one reason or another, you didn't evacuate with the others, and now you must fend for yourself in a country plunged into war. This can be realistic or fantasy.
- [Plot] When We Were Young: All grown up, the lives we lived back then felt like a fairytale. We drifted apart, we found other people, but now we're together again. She is a photographer who spent her days exploring to find her next pictures, and he is a model who made the best of his career. Brought together again on a project, they meet again, but what would their meeting bring?
- [Plot] Doubtful: Set in a world where humans can take animal form. A prince and a princess of hostile kingdoms are to be married. They are both noble and seeking peace, but life is not as simple as they would have liked. Serving under the princess is a knight who pledged himself to her protection. The two have always liked each other, but with the threat of war, they can no longer pursue that love. What will become of the two kingdoms?

If you would like examples of general post length/style that I use and am aiming for in partners, you can go to any of the links below:
Getting What you Want Semi-Realistic/Modern
A Certain Slant of Light Fantasy/Nobility/Medieval themed
Torn [Solia Online] Post-Apocalyptic/Zombies/Modern

I'd prefer it if you PMed me if you're interested! Also, if you have a plot in mind, feel free to pitch that too. I don't mind having multiple RPs with the same person.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Mayiamaru Topic Starter

Still looking to add some more RPs to my free time. Preferably something fantasy based.
Maybe one of my characters could catch your interest?
Mayiamaru Topic Starter

Yo, it's been a while~ Though the last time we RPed together I remember having a lot of trouble replying to you ^_^"
I'm not sure what that was but its been almost two years since we have roleplayed, would you like to give it another try? :3
Mayiamaru Topic Starter

Well it was mainly due to content so I'm reluctant to try again. To be blunt, I kept getting less content and at some point I felt like I was driving the story and eventually just crashed it. It just became too difficult to come up with something to grasp onto to make up a reply with. And I have tried restarting or making new RPs with partners who I've broken off with before and those just never turn out differently. Starting an RP with that impression and state of mind is only going to end the same way.

If you still want to try, do you have a recent RP that you're participating for me to look at? Two years is a long time and writing styles can change, so if I feel like we're compatible, I may reconsider. No promises though.
I can understand that though I've had relatively good luck with starting up again with previous partners. Though to help with the rp, we can discuss more on it before we start so that way we both now what we can do to help further and talk about any problems the other is having with replying.

Right now, all I've been wanting to do is use my character Kuro. Its been awhile since I've used her but I've had her redone in the recent months and have been able to give more life to her personality than I had in the past and she's one of my more developed characters.
Mayiamaru Topic Starter

Well as I can see her character sheet, I was hoping more that you'd have an RP for me to look at. If I were to judge only on the profile and how it's written, I'd have to say no.
There are other characters I have to look through if she doesn't catch your interest.

I am not sure how you feel on the science side of things though I've been wanting wanting to go through with her being caught and more experiments done on her to figure out more behind her genetic coding.
Mayiamaru Topic Starter

It has nothing to do with her as a character, but the writing. [Also, red on black is super hard for me to read.] If I can't read and enjoy reading it, then I don't think that we would be a match, since the whole point of the RP is for us both to enjoy it.

I wanted to avoid saying so, but I didn't enjoy the RPs that we had in the past. The less I enjoyed it, the harder it became to write something back, and the longer a short post took, which isn't good in terms of enjoyment. Thank you for your interest, but I'm going to stand firm on my no unless you have an RP to show me that can change my stance on it.

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