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Forums » Looking for RP » Help me try a new character! (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13)

Hey guys Gunslinger here, I am always skeptical about making new characters because what if they don't fit in any story, what if the are boring to play and don't bring an interesting of unique aspect to the stories he's in.

So I want to go on an epic free form quest, heavy armor, magic but not too much, and mostly fighting! Lots of fighting... Dragonborn characters are certainly encouraged but any fantasy D&D esq race is cool!
Hey I could do it if you want. I don't have any D&D stuff though.
Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13) Topic Starter

What character would you use? Do you have a knight or something like that?

I would like to do this but my only fantasy character is an elven mage. Would that work? I could make a new one if need be
Sieger (played by XxRilu)

I don't have a knight, but I have this guy who takes heavy damage sort of like a heavy armor warrior.
Best I currently have is a militant cultist with a furnace for a left forearm, Dredger.
Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13) Topic Starter

The RP is now Closed.

I am Accepting the Elven Mage, but I ask if he could be more of a Cleric for this RP?

I accept the Furnace Arm Cultist, cause that's just cool, could he possibly be a Firebrand Paladin?

And I would really like to RP with XxRilu, but Ichigo won't really work. Who else you got?

Sure I'll roll with it
Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13) Topic Starter

I have a Mage and then I have Nick who you already know all about. And a dual wielding swordsman.(Nice pick up on Ichigo ;)
Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13) Topic Starter

Can ur sorceress play as a cleric?
I'll have to look up a little more info on the firebrand paladin class thing, but yeah, he can probably be that.
Wyvan Shockjaw (played by Gunslinger13) Topic Starter

I made it up, your just a paladin with a flaming arm thing
Huh, alrighty.
Wyvan Shockjaw wrote:
Can ur sorceress play as a cleric?

Sure she can do that.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Help me try a new character! (closed)

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