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Forums » Looking for RP » The Ruins Of Earth (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.


The year is 2504 S.A. (space age) and people tell tales of the place known as the cradle of humanity, the planet humanity came from. They say it was abandoned in 3459 A.D., the last year in A.D. You and your shipmates may have found the galaxy that humanity began in, and thus are searching each planet to uncover ancient sites and hopefully get paid, if not by the researches yearning for the knowledge then by the cargo from those you plunder along the way.

This idea came to me while I was nearly asleep in biology today so it is a sort of rough sketch at this world. But as state the idea is that Earth has long since been abandoned and you have found the Milky Way and are searching each planet for ancient tech.
Magic 00%
No magic at all.
Technology 100%
Far future, perhaps galactic teleporters and fast terraforming
Combat 60%
Combat is woven into the storyline and could come to the forefront if the characters seek it out.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.

Cyrus Ravencroft (played by Mist)

Check out this character, let me know if you're interested. As I haven't used him much, he isn't fleshed out in terms of story, which I prefer since it keeps him adaptable.
BossMcFloss Topic Starter

I am sure the courier with blue eyes could work for this RP.
Can I use her?
Wrong Char <>.<>
Jessica (played anonymously)

I would use this Char if I could join
BossMcFloss Topic Starter

She could work I suppose.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » The Ruins Of Earth (closed)

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