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Forums » Introductions » Dc rp kik


I like to rp with original and oc dc characters and set in the city of gotham and metropolis
Well, I recently set up a characetr named Austin Grey that I've been wanting to use in an rp :U
Bruceakabatman Topic Starter

Do u hav kik
No I do not. If these rp's are Kik specific, I would suggest you put that in the original post or in the title.

Edit: Also if you're looking for an rp, the 'Looking for RP' board would be a better place for this thread.
Bruceakabatman Topic Starter

Ok thxx im new to this
It's cool man. Welcome to the forum btw.
Bruceakabatman Topic Starter

Thxx so how things run around here?

Hello and welcome to RPR, the world of awesomeness! It's nice to meet you and please do enjoy your stay!
Bruceakabatman Topic Starter

Thank u
Hello! Welcome to RPR! Everyone here is very friendly and helpful to everyone! Also, be sure to check out Epic Week!
Sanne Moderator

Welcome to RPR. :) There are a bunch of people who RP on Kik here, I'm sure you'll run across some! Let us know if there's anything we can help you with!
Bruceakabatman Topic Starter

If its not too much to ask can u help me find someone to rp with or like a group
Welcome to RPR! It's sweet to meet you! I'm Lotus, but you can call me Light or anything else you think fits me!

But, if you're looking for someone to RP with you, then the Looking for RP Forum is a good place to advertise for RP! Someone has already mentioned that, but it's worth a repeat.

If you need any help, you can ask us or look to the Help Section for tips and tricks! Hope you enjoy your stay here!
Welcome to RPR! Enjoy the site so far! :D
Kim Site Admin

You should probably start in the Find RP section, maybe post your ask there. :)

We do ask that you avoid using text/phone speak, like "u" instead of "you" while on our forums, though!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Dc rp kik

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