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Forums » Introductions » [ 'Out Of Character' Me. ]



Out Of Character talking will be in square brackets.
No online dating; I'm in a relationship.
I'm happy to Role Play anything. Literally.
Try to be literate when Role Playing with me; I dislike text talk Role Plays, and prefer paragraph.
Try to reply as quick as you can, and I shall do the same.

Basic Information About Myself OOC

Name: Pip
Age: 14
Brief Location: UK
RPer Type: Literate
Personality: Mostly neutral/ emotionless online
Appearance: Shortish layered brown hair, grey/blue eyes, pale skin, 5'4"

Role Play

These are the things I am currently RPing, but feel free to RP with me about anything. I am happy to write with anyone about anything.

- Naruto
- Soul Eater
- Eragon
- Merlin

I have a lot of other characters from no perticular story line.


Please try to reply to any Role Plays as quick as possible, because I will try to. Role Play as literate as you can, because I prefer Role Playing that way. All the same; have fun, and I hope to make some new Role Play friends and get to know a lot of new characters out there.

Kim Site Admin

Wow, what a wonderfully thorough introduction! I am so pleased to meet you. :) Seems like we're getting a lot of new UK members lately. So far, all are awesome that I know of.

One tip though, you might want to pick a different convention for OOC than square brackets. The RPR uses square brackets to indicate BBCode, and it can lead to some odd conflicts. Double parentheses is a popular alternative.
Oi, isn't that the truth, Kim. "Where did my [ I ] go...? ... oh, right, it thinks that's an italics tag."

Anyway, welcome to the RPR, Pip! RPs move along at a pretty quick pace around here unless the other poster's real life gets in the way, so hopefully the speed of things around here suits your tastes!
lazy-vampyre Topic Starter

[ @ Kim- Ah, thanks for the tip. I'll probably use double brackets or somethin'. ^_^ ]
lazy-vampyre Topic Starter

[ @Copper- Thank you, c: Hopefully people will like my style here. It can get a bit.. Ngggghish. ]
Hey, welcome to RPR. Another fast updater/rp-er such as myself? Awesome! I tend to reply at weird times--like really late in the evening or sporadically through the day depending on my shifts at work.

I tend to use (ooc:) if I need to say something, or usually PM the person if it needs a quick reply. Feel free to peruse my characters--they're up for anything. :)
lazy-vampyre Topic Starter

[ @Pen- Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to check out your characters soon. ]

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