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Forums » Introductions » So anyone up for talking?

Hi peoplez!
Hi! I saw your post in one of the roleplays--and I can't wait to see what happens next. I joined not too long ago myself and have been loving the experience so far. :)
StillDoll Topic Starter

Thats awesome! I just Joined today! This place is awwwweeeeesome!!O0O
You joined just in time! We're celebrating the second year of RPR's creation. :) So we've got lots of awesome stuff going on.

Plus the people on here are fantastic. So many amazing characters--it's hard to limit myself to just 10. :P I'm intrigued by your character Jacuzzi.
StillDoll Topic Starter

The limit is only ten?! Oh man thats gonna be hard for me too. I have so many characters in my head. You're really intrigued by Jacuzzi?
Well, you can buy extra character slots (which I might have to do) or upgrade to an Epic Membership--so you're not limited to 10, per se. But I'm trying to see which of my characters have better rp-ing abilities--so I'm cycling through them for the time being.

And yes, I'm intrigued by Jacuzzi. He comes across as slightly sarcastic if not humorous and that appeals to me. xD Does he have weapons? What's his weapon of choice?
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Jacuzzi has lots of weapons, in fact he has a whole room full. Just made a new character if you wanna check her out. Jacuzzi's weapon of choice would have to be a scythe as much as he loves his swords, he is the best when it comes to handling a scythe. I like your characters too:)
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

My fave character out of your characters is ArienXD
Ooooh, that's awesome. A scythe huh. I don't think Arien's ever fought someone with a scythe before. Staffs, yes. Spears, yes. Scythe? Not so much.

Took a look at Red. She sounds really spunky! I could see her and Nathan getting along pretty well--assuming Bella (Nathan's wolf) and Nex and Neo don't eat each other. Hm, for that matter, I think the white tigers might be susceptible to Bella's golden-eyed glare...which would paralyze them. Though since there are two of them, it wouldn't have much of an effect. *grin* If you want to RP, let me know. I'm ready when you are. (I just have work tonight so I leave in half an hour for a 5 hour shift.)
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

Well i would love to RP.Neo would be the only one not to be paralized because he is blind but he can learn his surroundings perfectly in under a second. Whatever one sees,feels,hears,thinks, and smells the other one does too. They learn from each other. I think our characters would get along great *smiles* But Bella wouldnt have to worry about Neo and Nex because Red doesnt let them eat anything but deer and fish. I dont know about Bella though so maybe Neo and Nex should be worried that she is gonna eat them lol.
Haha, good catch there. xD You're right--Bella wouldn't have an effect if the creature/person was blind.

Hmm, I could start one with Nathan or Arien. If I use Arien he'll probably start with a snare to catch one of the tigers--and if that doesn't work, he'll get progressively more elaborate. Or I could use Nathan and Bella...or toss Bella with Arien since they're technically from the same story... It's up to you. :) Let me know which you prefer--I'm a bit worried that Nathan on his own might a bit, er, dull. He doesn't particularly like women--though he'll associate with them. Whereas Arien will flirt with anything in a skirt. :P Up to you.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll) Topic Starter

haha Red really isnt the skirt type. She would sooner go around in boxers and a tank top then be in a dress or skirt LoLXD HMMMMMMMM.....
*cough* Nevermind. I saw your post and went with Arien and Bella. xD I think it'd be more, ah, exciting that way.
Hello~ I just came by to say my hellos, really, but I cannot stop to think that there is a reference to Vampire Guilty within this chat~
StillDoll Topic Starter

Whats vampire guilty?
You do not know? Very well~ It is an anime that I used to watch~ One of the songs, I believe it is the ending song, is titled Still Doll~ But if you have not seen it, than it is mere coincidence~
StillDoll Topic Starter

Yep never heard of it. Thanks for explaining though

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