Senka's heart was pounding so hard she thought Jacuzzi could hear it. She was blushing as she stared into Jacuzzi's eyes."It's alright.I-I liked it."She whispered.
Jacuzzi smiled then kissed Senka again gently. "I liked it too," he whispered afterwards.
The truth was that he had been wanting to kiss her for a while now. She was so pretty and nice.
The truth was that he had been wanting to kiss her for a while now. She was so pretty and nice.
Senka felt something welling up inside her.It was something she never experienced before but to her,it felt like something she wanted to feel.She stared into Jacuzzi's eyes,not knowing what to say.
Jacuzzi smiled and took her hand. "I forgot that we came for supplies," he murmured then turned and set off for the store still holding Senka's hand.
Something stirred in him and he rather liked it.
Something stirred in him and he rather liked it.
Senka followed Jacuzzi.She had many questions but she stayed silent.She was afraid to speak for she probably would say something to hurt his feelings.Her heart was still racing from before but the blush was slowly fading away as she began to relax.
Jacuzzi led her into a small shop and he went up to the counter. The shopkeeper came over and Jacuzzi gave him a list of things needed.
While they waited, Jacuzzi turned back to Senka and saw a questioning look in her eyes.
"Ask away with your questions," he said and looked ready to listen.
While they waited, Jacuzzi turned back to Senka and saw a questioning look in her eyes.
"Ask away with your questions," he said and looked ready to listen.
Senka looked at Jacuzzi then glanced away."What made you want to protect me when we first met?"
Jacuzzi thought for a moment. "You seemed speacial," he answered.
Senka looked at Jacuzzi."Special how?"
"Your very pretty and kind but strong. Something in yours eyes told me you had something chasing you. I felt like i needed to protect you," Jacuzzi explained.
"I'll have to try and hide that look in my eyes because you are the only one I'm allowing to protect me."Senka looked at Jacuzzi."Thanks for wanting to protect me."
Jacuzzi shrugged and smiled. "I like you so there isnt a need to thank me," he replied.
The shopkeeper came up to the counter and set down a full rucksack. It was almost overspilling with things as the shopkeeper had filled it to the brim and barely managed to tie it shut.
Jacuzzi set down several gold coins before picking up the rucksack like it was as light as a feather. Slinging it onto his back, he put his arm around Senka's shoulders and led her out. Opening the door for her on their way out.
The shopkeeper came up to the counter and set down a full rucksack. It was almost overspilling with things as the shopkeeper had filled it to the brim and barely managed to tie it shut.
Jacuzzi set down several gold coins before picking up the rucksack like it was as light as a feather. Slinging it onto his back, he put his arm around Senka's shoulders and led her out. Opening the door for her on their way out.
Senka smiled when Jacuzzi put his arm around her shoulder."Thanks."She said as they exited the shop.She looked at Jacuzzi."Do you have any family left?"
Jacuzzi smiled and exited behind her. "I have a brother but we arent really close," he replied then hugged Senka again.
"Hold on," he said before flashing them to his house.
Though he didnt let go when they arrived.
"Hold on," he said before flashing them to his house.
Though he didnt let go when they arrived.
Senka smiled when Jacuzzi didn't let go.She hugged him back gently.
Jacuzzi smiled an put his head on hers. Then pulling back a little, he gently tipped her head up to where she looked up at him. Leaning down, he kissed her gently.
Senka didn't hesitate this time.She kissed him back without the akwardness that she felt with the first kiss.
Jacuzzi gently pressed his hand against thr back of her neck then pulled away. With a smile, he picked her up suddenly and gently put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Well we better get inside before another shadow buddy tries to hunt you down," he said softly chuckling.
Walking in with her over his shoulder, he softly put her down on his bed then set the rucksack down.
"Well we better get inside before another shadow buddy tries to hunt you down," he said softly chuckling.
Walking in with her over his shoulder, he softly put her down on his bed then set the rucksack down.
Senka laughed when Jacuzzi placed her on the bed.She watch Jacuzzi place the rucksack down."So what are we going to do now?"
Jacuzzi smiled at her laugh then sat on his bed. "Well i could teach you to flash if you want to learn. Im sure you have the ability to," he said.
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