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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unlikely Meeting(1X1)

Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at Jacuzzi then back down at her arm."The black veins are from poison I've had in me ever since I was ten."Senka rubbed her left shoulder."It must be reacting to the demons that came at you."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

He winced as the pain came back to him but he ignored it as he heard the demons trieing to get up to the roof of the building.
"Come on then. We have to get away from here, for your sake and mine," he grabbed her arm that wasnt hurting. He pulled her along as he ran across the roof, coming to a dead end as the roof ended. He looked around quickly and saw a trapdoor in the roof. He slammed his foot down on it, making it fall open. He carefully lowered Senka in just before some of the demons made it over the wall and onto the roof. He quickly lowered himself in then quickly shutting the trapdoor. He knew it wouldnt hold so he held it closed with the strength he had left as the demons fought to get their way through.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka pulled out a few silver knives and wedged them into the trapdoor so it would stay shut unless the knives were removed."That should hold them off for a while."She took a few deep breaths and looked at Jacuzzi.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi was exhausted still from using the second stage of his scythe. But he was more worried about Senka than himself.
"Are you ok, Senka?" he turned to her and asked, while examinging the very small room they were in.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"The poison in my blood won't kill me,it just hurts a lot."Senka closed her eyes."It's one of the reasons I'm hunting my father down.From what I hear,my father has the ability to stop the poison but since he despises me so much and my mother's dead,he's trying to kill me before I kill him."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi slid down the wall and his fedora hat finally fell off. It landed on the floor with a small thud. He closed his eyes and started to fall asleep.
The demons were screeching and scratching at the trapdoor but it wouldnt budge.
"Senka.. Wake me if anything happens... If i need to i will protect you from your father..but your a strong girl and maybe you dont need it.." he spoke softly.
He fell asleep before he could hear a reply.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka sat opposite of Jacuzzi,smiling a little.She looked up to check if any of the knives had moved but seeing them holding,she relaxed slightly.The pain from her shoulder faded and so did the black veins.She sat there in silence,staring at her hands.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi slept for a few hours. It was late into the night when he woke up. He blinked several times and his eyes adjusted quickly before he looked around at his surroundings.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka noticed Jacuzzi was awake."Feel better?"
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Tons. How are you feeling?" Jacuzzi sounded a little concerned for her.
He got up and stood up, having to crouch over so not to hit the roof. Walking over to Senka, he sat beside her but not too close.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"I'm alright."She looked at Jacuzzi."I'm glad you feel better."She smiled at him.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

He looked at her then smiled back slightly.
"You have a nice smile. You should smile more often, then maybe people wouldnt be afraid to approach you," Jacuzzi teased her.
In the dark, he saw a sliver of moonlight land on Senka's hand. Its night time? Already? I slept too long... We needed to move out before then..
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka blushed when Jacuzzi told her she had a nice smile."Your the first person who's actually been this nice to me."She looked up at the trapdoor.It's been a while since the demons stopped trying to tear the door open.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"your blushing," Jacuzzi smiled a real smile when he said that.
Jacuzzi could tell that the demons hadnt been there for a while, but all the same he thought they should stay in there till morning. It would be safer then going out into the open.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka blushed harder."It doesn't help when you tell me about it."She gave Jacuzzi an awkward smile.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

He laughed for a few minutes before taking a breath and smiling.
"Wow. You must be an amazing girl if you can get me to laugh. I havent laughed for as long as i can remember," Jacuzzi murmured and kept smiling.
He realized that he really wanted to protect this girl and not just because if she died while with him, he would feel guilty.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"Well,your the first person I've actually talked to in a long time."Senka had a feeling that Jacuzzi was different from the others but in a way she liked.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi coughed softly.
"We need to wait for day time. Those demons are pretty tricky," Jacuzzi murmured, "which is probably several hours from now. You should get some rest," he suggested.
"Maybe we should work on your social skills while we are at it," he teased Senka.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at Jacuzzi and smiled."I don't need sleep and my social skills are fine it's just I need to find people who overlook my hair and eyes."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi blushed a little before saying, "I think your hair and eyes are really pretty. But then again that could be just me," he shrugged.
Then he looked away and ran his fingers through his hair. Pushing his bangs back for a few seconds before they dropped back to where they were.

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