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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unlikely Meeting(1X1)

Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka watched Jacuzzi in silence before looking back up at the trapdoor.She closed her eyes and began to hum softly.The hum sounded like a lullaby but it seemed like it could calm people down.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi relaxed for the first time in a while.
"You can call me Cuzzi by the way," he murmured.
Jacuzzi felt hungry an smiled. He took Senka's hand and took out all the knives from the trapdoor. He opened it slowly an looked around, making sure the coast was clear. Climbing out, he waited for a few minutes before helping Senka out.
"I have decided to treat you to a wonderful meal," Jacuzzi smiled.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at Jacuzzi."You don't have to.I mean,I really hate to bother people."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Its really not a bother. In fact its a treat from me to you," he smiled.
He took her hand and made sure the coast was clear down in the alley way. He went down first then motioned for Senka to come down.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka climbed down and stood next to Jacuzzi.She felt a little weird allowing someone to protect her but she ignored it.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi took her hand and led her down the alleyway.
"I know this amazing place we can eat," Jacuzzi said excitedly.
He hadnt had company for centuries. He led her to this small shop and took her inside.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka wasn't used to people leading but she trusted Jacuzzi.She looked around the shop he led her to.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

It was softly lit and quiet inside. There were various tables all around the shop.
Jacuzzi walked in behind her and led her to a table.
"Order anything you want. Im paying," he said and smiled.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka blushed."I'm not really hungry."She gave Jacuzzi a shy smile.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi smiled, "you sure? Not even something for later?" he suggested.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at her hands."No.I don't get hungry easily."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Well i am. You can share with me," Jacuzzi smiled.
He ordered 3 different plates of food.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka blushed."O-okay,I guess."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Just to tease Senka, Jacuzzi mentioned that she was blushing again. He smiled then got serious.
"So are you gonna stick around here or stay with me?" he asked.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"I want to stay with you if you don't mind."Senka looked at Jacuzzi then looked away as she blushed again.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi smiled.
"I dont mind at all. I would love to have company," he said happily.
His food came out and he pushed a plate over to Senka. It smelled delicious.
"You know just in case you get hungry," Jacuzzi said slyly.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at the plate then looked at Jacuzzi."Thanks."She picked up a fork,cut a piece from the food on the plate and took a bite."It's pretty good."She said after she swallowed the food.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Yup. Thats why i chose it. Even a person who isnt hungry cant resist this food," Jacuzzi said in a playful tone.
He ate quickly then paid for the food.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked like she was slightly distracted.She had sensed something while they had ate and it seemed familiar.She wondered if was her father.The thought caused Senka to shiver slightly.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi looked at her.
"Are you alright?" he said a little worried.

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