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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unlikely Meeting(1X1)

Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"Okay."Senka took off her swords,her weapon belt,the golden snake armband wrapped around her right arm and the silver dragon ear cuff.She set everything aside and sat next to Jacuzzi but not too close.She stared at the fire and stayed silent.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"What do you think about love?" Jacuzzi asked suddenly. "I mean do you think it would be worth it?" Jacuzzi added.
Jacuzzi was alot older than his looks made him out to be.
"Did you know im half vampire?" he looked at Senka as he said it. "But i dont drink blood. I refuse to. But you see since im half vampire i dont need to drink blood," he explained.
Jacuzzi was trieing to stop the silence between them.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka glanced at Jacuzzi."I don't really know much about love to judge it and I don't really mind vampires because it's who you are that matters."She kept her gaze on Jacuzzi.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi nodded and looked over at her. The fire flickered in his eyes and he smiled.
"Your a nice girl, Senka." he said quietly.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka's eyes seemed to glow a brighter green than usual."Your the first person that has seen this side of me.Other people ignore me or try and kill me because of the oddity of my hair and eyes."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"I suppose im unlike others because thats what attracted me to you in the first place," Jacuzzi smiled a little then stretched.
His muscles flexed as he stretched. Jacuzzi layed back, pulling a pillow to him then putting his head on it.
"Well i think we should get some rest before we leave," he said after closing his eyes.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka nodded,but didn't move.Her mind was racing from the possibilities on how her father could have found her.She knew that Kharon was somewhere in the town,waiting for Senka to approach him and try to kill him.Senka knew better than to confront her father head on.She let out a silent breath.She had to get her father away from here or he would hurt Jacuzzi.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi opened his eyes and saw her worry in her bright, green eyes.
"Senka.. Dont worry about anything. I will keep you safe. And trust me im not going to be hurt," Jacuzzi said gently and softly.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka looked at Jacuzzi."It's hard not to worry.My father is not afraid of anyone and he will kill anyone that's in his way."Senka closed her eyes."He's killed so many people I've tried to make friends with.It's only a matter of time before he confronts me."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi smiled.
"I will how you my secret for never being injured," he said.
Jacuzzi got up and walked over to the table, he picked up his scythe.
"My scythe's name is Kitame. She will only do my bidding. If someone else were to pick her up, Kitame would instantly dull her blade. And this is our second form," he said before whispering Kitame's name.
Kitame melted and climbed up Jacuzzi's arm then went up and dissolved into his eyes.
His eyes turned silver and his pupils changed shape into a triangle with an eight-point star in it. His skin turned as hard metal and was unpenatratable. His eyes had the hundry look of death.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka stood up and walked over to Jacuzzi.She noticed his eyes changed as well as the look in his eyes."That's pretty cool."She said to herself.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Quickly, Jacuzzi released his second form and held Kitame's handle tightly. He layed the scythe back down on the table then shook his head.
"Nothing can harm me in that form," he said, sounding a little tired.
Jacuzzi didnt tell her that it harmed him everytime he used it.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka noticed Jacuzzi sounded tired but she didn't ask him about it.She heard a whisper behind her so she turned around,blinking when she saw nothing behind her.The dragon cuff that she had taken off earlier was glowing slightly.Senka sighed and walked over to pick up the silver dragon.She closed her eyes and concentrated,trying to figure out what the whisper was about.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi looked at Senka.
"Whats wrong?" he said quietly.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"I thought I heard something."Senka opened her eyes and looked down at the silver dragon she held in her hands.It had stopped glowing so whatever had whispered was gone."It's gone now."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi came up behind Senka. He didnt know that he was really close but he was. Looking down at her silver armband, he thought it was intresting.
"Where did you get that?" he murmured.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"It was given to me as a sign of me being a guardian of my mother's and father's clan."Senka sighed as she stared at the silver dragon ear cuff."It warns me if something unseen is nearby and helps amplify my healing powers."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi stepped up behind Senka as he felt a threatening presence near. He was ready to prptect Senka in a second.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka winced as her scar began to pulse."You don't happen to recognize that do you?"She hooked the silver dragon on her left ear,hoping it would help her senses open up more.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"No. But i dont like it. Well there goes our option of getting rest," Jacuzzi muttered.
He quickly crossed the room and grabbed Kitame.

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