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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Unlikely Meeting(1X1)

Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka walked over and grabbed the assassin sword she used earlier.She kept her senses focused on the presence.Senka winced as the scar on her left shoulder pulsed again."Whatever it is,it probably wants one of us dead."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi looked back at Senka then smiled.
"Dont worry. I promised to keep you safe remember?" he said softly and kept smiling.
"Fight when you want but i wont let it wound you," he finished.
He turned to the door and gripped Kitame so hard his knuckles turned white. Then he relaxed.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka watched Jacuzzi,then winced as her scar hurt again.She rubbed her shoulder trying to make it stop pulsing.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"are you ok?" Jacuzzi asked worriedly
Keeping a good distance between the door and himself, he looked at Senka.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka nodded."I'm fine.Don't worry about me."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"I do anyway," Jacuzzi said and smiled when he said it.
The presence was a few feet away now and he wasnt liking the feel of this.
"Senka. Do you know this presence?" he looked at her.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"I-I'm not sure."Senka closed her eyes as she focused on the presence.Something about this presence was familiar but she couldn't quite place it until she remembered how her father's had felt all those years ago.The presence had the same darkness as her father.If this presence really was her father's,he had gotten stronger than before."I-it feels almost like my father's."Senka shivered.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Well then i suppose i should be on my guard to protect you," Jacuzzi flashed Senka a smile then went into his Scythe's second form.
He had metal hard skin and his scythe disappeared. His eyes changed color.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"J-just be careful.He's really strong when he uses his sword Kamiki."Senka swallowed and took a deep breath."That sword can poison you if it touches your blood."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"Nothing can touch my blood. My scythe covers my body in a thick layer of impentrenetable metal," Jacuzzi informed.

Stepping towards the door, a blade slid from the palm of his hand and he removed it. Holding it in a defensive position. He waited for the door to open or an explosion of some sort.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

Senka nodded then closed her eyes to figure out what was really about to attack.She felt a dark presence forming behind her.She looked behind her to see a non-human creature appear."Jacuzzi,I'm guessing the preasence at the door was a distraction."She got into a defence position as the creature began to solidify.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi flashed in front of Senka to protect her from this strange being. Using his eyes, they measured the creatures power in under a second. Finally, he adjusted his strength accordingly.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

The creature solidified.It looked at Jacuzzi and changed itself into a human shape made of darkness.A black sword appeared in it's hand and the creature pointed the sword at Jacuzzi."I'm just here to fight the girl.Don't get in my way."The creature's voice was rough and warbled slightly.Senka tensed but said nothing.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi just smirked and a blade came from the palm of his hand. "Sorry but i cant let you get near her," he said with a cold tone.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"Then get ready to die."The creature rushed at Jacuzzi and swung it's sword at Jacuzzi with brute strength.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi caught it with his hand, the sound of metal hitting metal filling the silence. He looked at the creature, a cold seriousness now in his eyes.
"Dont under estimate me," he said simply.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

"I underestimate everyone that my master does not say I have to keep alive."The creature let go of the sword and backed up.The sword melted into shadow and reappeared in the creature's hand.
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

"It will be your down fall," Jacuzzi replied.
Checking on Senka, he flashed behind the creature and swung his sword at the middle of its body. He had to check if physical attacks worked. If theydidnt, he had an alternative.
Senka (played by ChaosTheMew) Topic Starter

The creature dispersed into shadows and reappeared between Jacuzzi and Senka."My only downfall is if I disobey my master or I complete my mission."The creature looked at Senka."My mission is to take the assassin back to my master alive."It looked back at Jacuzzi."He said nothing about killing people to get her or inflicting wounds upon my target."
Jacuzzi (played by StillDoll)

Jacuzzi growled as the creature looked at Senka and talked about inflicting wounds on her. Jacuzzi's four point star in a triangle, changed into a deep crimson color. Flames lit the "feet" of the shadow creature. These flames could not be put out even by the creature seperating. The flames kept on it no matter what. It was more of a torture device than a killer since it didnt kill the victim. It just burned and burned until Jacuzzi called it back.

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