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Forums » Introductions » Hello there


Nice to meet you all. I wish to introduce myself and my characters. My ooc name is not so important so just call me like my character (which will appear soon) Alime. I am sorry for my english. ;P I try hard. So. First character:
Ime Kay- She is completly crazy girl. Witch. Always looks like a little gorl. 14-16 years old. But she is much older. Just write to her something you will find out how crazy and lovely she can be.
Alime- She is opposite of Ime. Normal woman. Not preety, not beautiful. USEFUL. Assassin. Without coquetry. ,,I am so hot and I will kick your ass''-No. She is not cheap character with naked boobs and unpractical armor. She is herself. She is good in her work not because she is so amazing. She worked hard on her abilities.
That is all for the beginning.
Best regards.

There's a lot of non native English speakers here, so no worries. welcome to the site during epic week. If you like any of my characters, PM me.
A witch and an assassin? I am playing in two games that happen to have both of those character types~ And your English is very good, much better than some of the papers I am forced to critique~

Minerva seems to beat me to most of the greetings given to the new, but welcome to RPR~
Hello! welcome to rpr I hope you enjoy it here

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