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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Supernatural town

-A town filled with supernatural beings as well as human live together in the town of Moon Clove wether they are vampires, werewolves, or demons. This RP is meant to be Dramatic and very humorous, as well as romantic and violent. Whoever would like to start the RP can (:
Conos (played by Markifan02)

Hi, i'm interested, i will make a caracter, just for this XD
I have no caracters that really fall under supernatural, but I just came up with an idea, plus i dont want to juat be just a normal human
Misty (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

You can respond whenever you would like :)
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

-Kateri walked along the old cement sidewalk towards an apartment building along Vixen Lane, she shuddered as a cold breeze swept her long black hair back, she carried a small purse and a grocery bag full of foods. A few minutes later she walked up the buildings stairs and into her apartment complex, where she set down her keys and took the food out of the bag, then quickly she put it all away and sat at her kitchen table and read the mail she picked up at the postal office.-
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

You hear a small noise from the bedroom
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Kateri's blue eyes flashed yellow as she heard the noise, the hair on the back of her neck stood up, she dropped her mail and slowly got up from the table, she pushed in the chair and tip-toed towards the bedroom quietly.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

Dar'ja like the foolish fool he is, kept digging throw your stuff, looking for any thing wearlth taking
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Kateri peeked inside the room and seen the person digging in her stuff, anger boiled inside her, she then stood in the doorway, a wolfs growl rising from her throat as she watched.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

He didn't noticed, he picked up a ring, and put in his pocket with the rest of the things he stole, he heard the growl finaly and then quickly went to the window and found out, he couldn't just jump down...
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Kateri had locked the windows before, and if he did jump down, a regular human would probably not survive, Kateri spoke angrily, "What do you think your doing in my dresser?" She warned watching him carefully.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

Looking around with fear
"Ahhh..." Speachless, he put his head down and said in a low voice
"You caught me"
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

Kateri felt that his statement was a trick, but she was uncertain, "put my stuff back." She demanded, pointing to her dresser.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

He walked and took two things from his bag, a necklace and the ring... He put them on the dresser, saying nothing
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

"Thank you." She smiled, not afraid in anyway, "Who are you?" She asked blocking the doorway.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

"My name is Dar'ja, I'm not lieing if you thought that... Whats the point of lieing when you are turing me in, for such a fool I was, and to make everything seem more true, I'm with the theives guild, yes someone as foolish as me is with a group of people that only want money... I have told you to much already... Now just turn me in"
He droped the weapon he had...
"Yes I had a weapon... I never use it... So why start"
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

"You seem to have a kind heart, a normal theif would likely attack or even kill me, why arent you doing the same?" She tilted her head, scanning his figure.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

"To be honest it's half becuase I'm with the guild... If anyone finds out that I killed you they would automaticly thing the whole rest out the guild is... And another is I'm suprised you haven't attacked me, nor done anything to harm me"
He crossed his arms so he seemed more peaceful
Kateri (played by Misty_DeathWolf135) Topic Starter

"Tell you what." She paused smiling,"I wont turn you in, nor speak of you breaking into my apartment, but you can never break into here again, nor your thieves guild, got that?" She said, a hint of anger in her voice, she stepped away from the doorway.
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

He thought how this can be a trick and found no way it could
"By why don't you turn me in? I broke into your house, stole some oh your stuff, and befor I trust you completely, tell me who you are"
Dar'ja (played by Markifan02)

(That oh, is supost to be of)

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