This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
This story/world/character has been my baby since I was 13 years old. It's undergone many, many changes, hoping to polish it into something even remotely conceivable.
What I'm looking for is people who would be interested in trying out this storyline, or at least the setting. The style would be something casual, but I have tried to develop it into something workable for DnD 3.5, if you would prefer that. Six people would be desirable, but I have filler characters if I can't reach that amount.
I am highly flexible with the storyline, since I know that some parts of the story will conflict with other people's characters, and I am totally open to fun suggestions to divert the plot! It's mostly the world I'm concerned about.
Here's the basics of the story:
Kiro (my character) is the prince of this world, Oraclos, whose king has just been assassinated. He holds the sacred artifact this man is after, but it is also the only key to stopping him. To use it, however, he must undergo the Ritual of the Guardians, the same ritual six times in six different places while remaining out of the villain's clutches.
The situation would be that your characters were brought into the world by the Goddess Ora to serve as Kiro's Guardians, so they can really be from almost anywhere. (Preferably no guns. If you would still like to use the character, the gun could break on the way over, but over time they might be able to craft one or something similar)
If you've read this far, thanks! More details are on Kiro's profile. I'm new here, so if I've done something wrong or sound too demanding or limiting, please let me know and I'll try to rework this.
I'm not sure about the rating of the plot, either, so if I need to move or delete this please let me know, too.
What I'm looking for is people who would be interested in trying out this storyline, or at least the setting. The style would be something casual, but I have tried to develop it into something workable for DnD 3.5, if you would prefer that. Six people would be desirable, but I have filler characters if I can't reach that amount.
I am highly flexible with the storyline, since I know that some parts of the story will conflict with other people's characters, and I am totally open to fun suggestions to divert the plot! It's mostly the world I'm concerned about.
Here's the basics of the story:
Kiro (my character) is the prince of this world, Oraclos, whose king has just been assassinated. He holds the sacred artifact this man is after, but it is also the only key to stopping him. To use it, however, he must undergo the Ritual of the Guardians, the same ritual six times in six different places while remaining out of the villain's clutches.
The situation would be that your characters were brought into the world by the Goddess Ora to serve as Kiro's Guardians, so they can really be from almost anywhere. (Preferably no guns. If you would still like to use the character, the gun could break on the way over, but over time they might be able to craft one or something similar)
Looking for people to rp with my character in his setting to test out and further develop it.
At the most, six people with the requirement of being from a fantasy setting.
Flexible with plot and open to any fun suggestions.
If you've read this far, thanks! More details are on Kiro's profile. I'm new here, so if I've done something wrong or sound too demanding or limiting, please let me know and I'll try to rework this.
I'm not sure about the rating of the plot, either, so if I need to move or delete this please let me know, too.
Magic may be accepted as truth but is not common. It might be harnessed only by specific beings. Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones.
Iron age
More combat than not. The setting may be at war, and the characters will likely get involved whether or not they seek it out.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
The spot of shadow guardian has been taken. Still looking for five other players.

Any position for a blind priestess?
Positions for shadow guardian and light guardian are filled.
Still need four more players!
Still need four more players!

Positions for shadow, light and wind guardians are filled.
In need of a water, fire, and earth guardian.
Thanks to everyone who's joined so far. I'm so excited!
In need of a water, fire, and earth guardian.

Thanks to everyone who's joined so far. I'm so excited!
Can I be plasma(lightning), if not I'll try my hand with water...
The positions of shadow, light, wind and fire guardians have been filled.
Earth and water guardians are still open
Need two more people before we can start.
Update: I won't make the real thread until at LEAST next week since I will be away this weeked.
Also, I'm making up a list of spells that the guardians can use since I've been informed by at least two people online and maybe five offline that my categorization skills suck-er-are lacking. Haha. I was originally going to allow the freedom to come up with their own spells, but it seems that that will create conflicts between different Guardians. Thank you for informing me of this issue
Also, rules will follow shortly thereafter but will also be posted in the actual thread once I create it.
Thanks, everyone, for your patience
Earth and water guardians are still open

Update: I won't make the real thread until at LEAST next week since I will be away this weeked.
Also, I'm making up a list of spells that the guardians can use since I've been informed by at least two people online and maybe five offline that my categorization skills suck-er-are lacking. Haha. I was originally going to allow the freedom to come up with their own spells, but it seems that that will create conflicts between different Guardians. Thank you for informing me of this issue

Also, rules will follow shortly thereafter but will also be posted in the actual thread once I create it.
Thanks, everyone, for your patience

With some help from some friends I've written up the spell list. I'll post it tomorrow, but I have a question to pose to all of you:
Yes or No, would you be okay with the characters losing all prior abilities/magic after being teleported to this new world?
Here's the updated list of Guardians
Shadow - Taken
Light - Taken
Fire - Taken
Water - Reserved/Pending
Earth - Open
Wind - Taken
Yes or No, would you be okay with the characters losing all prior abilities/magic after being teleported to this new world?
Here's the updated list of Guardians
Shadow - Taken
Light - Taken
Fire - Taken
Water - Reserved/Pending
Earth - Open
Wind - Taken
Honestly I don't like the idea but if it makes start-up easier, then I'm down...
No but if it's a problem I'll change then
Eh...well, that's quite the tie. I'll hold off on making a decision on that for now, then.
Okay, so now the spell list! I should preface by saying that the Guardian will gain access to ALL these spells ONLY after undergoing the ritual.
If after reading the list you have any ideas on how to make it better, please let me know. I had at least four people look it over and OK it, but one pointed out to me that some of the spells might be OP. I also need better names for most of the spells since it was about this time when I wrote them, so I was tired. The list goes from weakest spell to most powerful spell and each person gets six spells. Also, I'll let you know that a lot of the terms of these can be taken loosely.
Shadow (Guardian of the Swamp)
1. Hide - Hide things from others.
2. Nightmare - Freeze an enemy in their tracks by projecting their worst Nightmare. Reactions may vary.
3. Shadow Weapon - Turns the caster's own shadow into whatever weapon they desire. Remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.
4. Shadow Puppetry - Control a person by manipulating their shadow. The one controlled mimics what the one controlling them does. Spell does not work if the area is too dark or too bright to the point where no shadow is cast.
5. Transmit Matter - Caster touches an object and uses a portal to transmit the matter between its intended target. The intended target must be visible.
6. Decay - With the touch of a finger, the caster can completely disintegrate one large target. If trying to use the spell outside of its bounds (say, disintegrate a larger object than what is normally allowed) the caster will experience drawbacks. Can only cast once a day.
Light (Guardian of the Desert)
1. See Truth - See through illusions/hidden intentions.
2. Mirage - Projects enemy's greatest desire, can coerce the enemy.
3. Mirror - Makes clones that are physical, but very delicate, like glass. When destroyed, they flash and explode, harming those who had destroyed them.
4. Refract - Anything coming in the direction of the caster is immediately redirected. The caster must be looking at the thing approaching them.
5. Heal - Heals wounds, but cnnot heal mortal wounds.
6. Purify - Calls a large pillar of light down to the battlefield and smites everything caught within a 20 foot radius. Can only be used once a day.
Wind (Guardian of the Valley)
1. Cool Breeze - Summon a light breeze to carry objects 20 pounds or less. Also used to trigger traps, cast sails, or make projectiles fly faster.
2. Breath - Purifies toxins in the air and can allow breathing where you can't normally.
3. Air cutters - Throw small intense gusts of winds, like throwing knives or shuriken.
4. Feather Light - Walk on air, move with incredible speed, all the while uninhibited. However, if you run into a wall, splat is definitely a possibility.
5. Wind Storm - Calls a harsh storm of wind to cause general destruction. Creates larger air blades, and destroys the area around it.
6. Suffocation - Steals the breath of one target. But, if concentration concentration is broken, so is the spell. Can only be used once a day.
Fire (Guardian of the Mountain)
1. Warm Fuzzies - Can generate warmth from your core to endure cold environments. Also warms a small area around the caster, and causes you to glow.
2. Flame Tongue - Breathe fire with the intensity of a mechanical torch.
3. Fireball - Mobile fire. The intensity of the flames depends on the caster's body temperature. Use with Warm Fuzzies to get maximum potential.
4. Lightning - Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. Must be used around conductive materials or risk self harm.
5. Heat Wave - Send out waves of fire and heat, pulsing along with the caster's heartbeat.
6. Hell Fire - An eruption of Rock and Flame from the earth akin to a mini volcano. Difficult to control, and must be let to run wild and extinguish itself, so its dangerous to use. Can only be used once a day.
Earth (Guardian of the Forest)
1. Sproutling - Grow any full-sized plant from a seed instantly.
2. Natural Armor - Create instant armor, while wearing it, breathing is difficult and movement is almost impossible. But, you're practically impenetrable.
3. Spike - Create rock spires to jut out of the ground. Can also make flat walls to block attacks.
4. Malleable - Reform rock or metal into a crude, usable weapon with a touch. Also works to change enemy weapons, but they must be reformed into some other solid object, not just a puddle. Cannot use on organic material.
5. Leech Roots - Control plants at your will, but to do so means letting them feed off of you. However, you can also use others as their fodder.
6. Tectonic - Create earthquakes or faults in the earth to a certain extent. Can only be used once a day.
Water (Guardian of the Sea)
1. Create Water - Take water from the air, but not from organic material. Can cool the water to act like warm fuzzies, but to cool off in warm environments. Once control over the water is let go, it cannot be used again.
2. Water Hazard - Pools water beneath enemies, dropping them into the giant puddle. If frozen over, can trap them and drown them.
3. Ice Spikes/Weapons - Make ice in an form instantly. Used properly with Create water to make any form you wish, even ice prisons.
4. Siren's Reverberation - All ice on the field instant shatters, shooting out shrapnel. Can hurt enemies and allies alike. If an enemy themselves is frozen, can shatter them. If unable to use voice, spell does not work.
5. Vapor Gun - Shoots pressurized water vapor/steam like darts.
6. Dead Man's Mist - A mist that oversaturates cells if in the mist too long. Eventually, can drown the enemy. Can hurt enemies or friends alike. Lasts for 1 hour, and takes about 30 minutes to kill an average human. Can only be used once a day.
Again, these are pending.
Sorry for the long post.
Okay, so now the spell list! I should preface by saying that the Guardian will gain access to ALL these spells ONLY after undergoing the ritual.
If after reading the list you have any ideas on how to make it better, please let me know. I had at least four people look it over and OK it, but one pointed out to me that some of the spells might be OP. I also need better names for most of the spells since it was about this time when I wrote them, so I was tired. The list goes from weakest spell to most powerful spell and each person gets six spells. Also, I'll let you know that a lot of the terms of these can be taken loosely.
Shadow (Guardian of the Swamp)
1. Hide - Hide things from others.
2. Nightmare - Freeze an enemy in their tracks by projecting their worst Nightmare. Reactions may vary.
3. Shadow Weapon - Turns the caster's own shadow into whatever weapon they desire. Remember, a weapon is only as good as the one who wields it.
4. Shadow Puppetry - Control a person by manipulating their shadow. The one controlled mimics what the one controlling them does. Spell does not work if the area is too dark or too bright to the point where no shadow is cast.
5. Transmit Matter - Caster touches an object and uses a portal to transmit the matter between its intended target. The intended target must be visible.
6. Decay - With the touch of a finger, the caster can completely disintegrate one large target. If trying to use the spell outside of its bounds (say, disintegrate a larger object than what is normally allowed) the caster will experience drawbacks. Can only cast once a day.
Light (Guardian of the Desert)
1. See Truth - See through illusions/hidden intentions.
2. Mirage - Projects enemy's greatest desire, can coerce the enemy.
3. Mirror - Makes clones that are physical, but very delicate, like glass. When destroyed, they flash and explode, harming those who had destroyed them.
4. Refract - Anything coming in the direction of the caster is immediately redirected. The caster must be looking at the thing approaching them.
5. Heal - Heals wounds, but cnnot heal mortal wounds.
6. Purify - Calls a large pillar of light down to the battlefield and smites everything caught within a 20 foot radius. Can only be used once a day.
Wind (Guardian of the Valley)
1. Cool Breeze - Summon a light breeze to carry objects 20 pounds or less. Also used to trigger traps, cast sails, or make projectiles fly faster.
2. Breath - Purifies toxins in the air and can allow breathing where you can't normally.
3. Air cutters - Throw small intense gusts of winds, like throwing knives or shuriken.
4. Feather Light - Walk on air, move with incredible speed, all the while uninhibited. However, if you run into a wall, splat is definitely a possibility.
5. Wind Storm - Calls a harsh storm of wind to cause general destruction. Creates larger air blades, and destroys the area around it.
6. Suffocation - Steals the breath of one target. But, if concentration concentration is broken, so is the spell. Can only be used once a day.
Fire (Guardian of the Mountain)
1. Warm Fuzzies - Can generate warmth from your core to endure cold environments. Also warms a small area around the caster, and causes you to glow.
2. Flame Tongue - Breathe fire with the intensity of a mechanical torch.
3. Fireball - Mobile fire. The intensity of the flames depends on the caster's body temperature. Use with Warm Fuzzies to get maximum potential.
4. Lightning - Summons a bolt of lightning from the sky. Must be used around conductive materials or risk self harm.
5. Heat Wave - Send out waves of fire and heat, pulsing along with the caster's heartbeat.
6. Hell Fire - An eruption of Rock and Flame from the earth akin to a mini volcano. Difficult to control, and must be let to run wild and extinguish itself, so its dangerous to use. Can only be used once a day.
Earth (Guardian of the Forest)
1. Sproutling - Grow any full-sized plant from a seed instantly.
2. Natural Armor - Create instant armor, while wearing it, breathing is difficult and movement is almost impossible. But, you're practically impenetrable.
3. Spike - Create rock spires to jut out of the ground. Can also make flat walls to block attacks.
4. Malleable - Reform rock or metal into a crude, usable weapon with a touch. Also works to change enemy weapons, but they must be reformed into some other solid object, not just a puddle. Cannot use on organic material.
5. Leech Roots - Control plants at your will, but to do so means letting them feed off of you. However, you can also use others as their fodder.
6. Tectonic - Create earthquakes or faults in the earth to a certain extent. Can only be used once a day.
Water (Guardian of the Sea)
1. Create Water - Take water from the air, but not from organic material. Can cool the water to act like warm fuzzies, but to cool off in warm environments. Once control over the water is let go, it cannot be used again.
2. Water Hazard - Pools water beneath enemies, dropping them into the giant puddle. If frozen over, can trap them and drown them.
3. Ice Spikes/Weapons - Make ice in an form instantly. Used properly with Create water to make any form you wish, even ice prisons.
4. Siren's Reverberation - All ice on the field instant shatters, shooting out shrapnel. Can hurt enemies and allies alike. If an enemy themselves is frozen, can shatter them. If unable to use voice, spell does not work.
5. Vapor Gun - Shoots pressurized water vapor/steam like darts.
6. Dead Man's Mist - A mist that oversaturates cells if in the mist too long. Eventually, can drown the enemy. Can hurt enemies or friends alike. Lasts for 1 hour, and takes about 30 minutes to kill an average human. Can only be used once a day.
Again, these are pending.
Sorry for the long post.
Fire: very well thought out. But these seem like spells. I'm not really a spell-esque person per se. I just don't have the mind for it like in battle. I envisioned myself wielding fire more like a Firebender from Avatar the Last Airbender, if that's allowed I'll give up Hellfire altogether because the moment I unlock them I would be OP for days so instead I have the sub skills lightning and combustion bending. A better understood example would be, I expected to be able to use my pyrokinesis more freely akin to Human Torch of the Fantastic Four.
(Combustionbending is the ability to channel chi through the forehead, often marked by an intricate third-eye tattoo, superheating the surrounding air and producing a beam of explosive energy capable of immense damage, both in short and long range. Unlike conventional firebending, which produces a flame from the body, the technique instead creates a powerful beam that explodes upon contact with a solid surface.)
(Combustionbending is the ability to channel chi through the forehead, often marked by an intricate third-eye tattoo, superheating the surrounding air and producing a beam of explosive energy capable of immense damage, both in short and long range. Unlike conventional firebending, which produces a flame from the body, the technique instead creates a powerful beam that explodes upon contact with a solid surface.)
Kiro wrote:
This story/world/character has been my baby since I was 13 years old. It's undergone many, many changes, hoping to polish it into something even remotely conceivable.
What I'm looking for is people who would be interested in trying out this storyline, or at least the setting. The style would be something casual, but I have tried to develop it into something workable for DnD 3.5, if you would prefer that. Six people would be desirable, but I have filler characters if I can't reach that amount.
I am highly flexible with the storyline, since I know that some parts of the story will conflict with other people's characters, and I am totally open to fun suggestions to divert the plot! It's mostly the world I'm concerned about.
Here's the basics of the story:
Kiro (my character) is the prince of this world, Oraclos, whose king has just been assassinated. He holds the sacred artifact this man is after, but it is also the only key to stopping him. To use it, however, he must undergo the Ritual of the Guardians, the same ritual six times in six different places while remaining out of the villain's clutches.
The situation would be that your characters were brought into the world by the Goddess Ora to serve as Kiro's Guardians, so they can really be from almost anywhere. (Preferably no guns. If you would still like to use the character, the gun could break on the way over, but over time they might be able to craft one or something similar)
If you've read this far, thanks! More details are on Kiro's profile. I'm new here, so if I've done something wrong or sound too demanding or limiting, please let me know and I'll try to rework this.
I'm not sure about the rating of the plot, either, so if I need to move or delete this please let me know, too.
What I'm looking for is people who would be interested in trying out this storyline, or at least the setting. The style would be something casual, but I have tried to develop it into something workable for DnD 3.5, if you would prefer that. Six people would be desirable, but I have filler characters if I can't reach that amount.
I am highly flexible with the storyline, since I know that some parts of the story will conflict with other people's characters, and I am totally open to fun suggestions to divert the plot! It's mostly the world I'm concerned about.
Here's the basics of the story:
Kiro (my character) is the prince of this world, Oraclos, whose king has just been assassinated. He holds the sacred artifact this man is after, but it is also the only key to stopping him. To use it, however, he must undergo the Ritual of the Guardians, the same ritual six times in six different places while remaining out of the villain's clutches.
The situation would be that your characters were brought into the world by the Goddess Ora to serve as Kiro's Guardians, so they can really be from almost anywhere. (Preferably no guns. If you would still like to use the character, the gun could break on the way over, but over time they might be able to craft one or something similar)
Looking for people to rp with my character in his setting to test out and further develop it.
At the most, six people with the requirement of being from a fantasy setting.
Flexible with plot and open to any fun suggestions.
If you've read this far, thanks! More details are on Kiro's profile. I'm new here, so if I've done something wrong or sound too demanding or limiting, please let me know and I'll try to rework this.
I'm not sure about the rating of the plot, either, so if I need to move or delete this please let me know, too.
Oh! Perhaps my baby, Hara, could take the Earth guardian position? I'd love to finally rp them! Especially in a foreign fantasy-like setting. This would also be my first time using Hara in an rp sooo yeah.
I can also adjust anything about them if needed!
I can also adjust anything about them if needed!
I also really like the spells. They're so cool!
A decision has been made regarding the option of keeping or losing powers when being transported to the new world. The decision made was to keep the powers after moving over.
Also, here is the updated Guardian list
Shadow - Taken
Light - Taken
Fire - Taken
Water - Pending
Earth - Taken
Wind - Taken
Thank you to everyone for your support and perspectives!
I still would like to hear everyone else's opinions on the spell list before making a final decision.
Also, here is the updated Guardian list
Shadow - Taken
Light - Taken
Fire - Taken
Water - Pending
Earth - Taken
Wind - Taken
Thank you to everyone for your support and perspectives!
I still would like to hear everyone else's opinions on the spell list before making a final decision.
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