This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
(Inspired from Doom/Half Life/Alien)
"It was God who created hell as a place to store evil. He didn't do a good job of keeping it there though."
Year: 2145
Location: Io, one of Jupiter's moons
Plot: In 2121, humans finally reached the far stretches of every planet in the solar system, establishing colonies, science stations, and military bases along almost every moon and planet within reach. Currently on Jupiter's desert moon Io, there lies a massive research facility and colony, established by the Furthest Frontiers Organization (FFO). Suddenly, one day, Enceladuso 'disappears'. Every form of communication with the base is cut off. The FFO grows concerned and sends in an elite squad , the DSSO (Deep Space Special Ops.) to assess the situation, and stop it from potentially spreading....

After a few short days spent on the Enceladus moonbase, DSSO3 is nearing Io's surface. The moon becomes larger and larger as the squad speeds towards it in their transport ship. A tinny metallic voice rattles off, "T Minus one minutes until deployment."
Well, just drop a reply if you're interested. A small description of your character would be nice. Always open to suggestion!
"It was God who created hell as a place to store evil. He didn't do a good job of keeping it there though."
Year: 2145
Location: Io, one of Jupiter's moons
Plot: In 2121, humans finally reached the far stretches of every planet in the solar system, establishing colonies, science stations, and military bases along almost every moon and planet within reach. Currently on Jupiter's desert moon Io, there lies a massive research facility and colony, established by the Furthest Frontiers Organization (FFO). Suddenly, one day, Enceladuso 'disappears'. Every form of communication with the base is cut off. The FFO grows concerned and sends in an elite squad , the DSSO (Deep Space Special Ops.) to assess the situation, and stop it from potentially spreading....

After a few short days spent on the Enceladus moonbase, DSSO3 is nearing Io's surface. The moon becomes larger and larger as the squad speeds towards it in their transport ship. A tinny metallic voice rattles off, "T Minus one minutes until deployment."
Well, just drop a reply if you're interested. A small description of your character would be nice. Always open to suggestion!
Plausible legends of ancient magic, but current magic is not common.
Far future, perhaps interstellar travel (faster than light)
The world IS war, but there may be RPs that don't feature it. Warhammer Fantasy/40k, etc.
Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred.
Although this character doesn't exactly fit the setting of being part of an elite squad, would you be interested in having a wild card to throw within the struggle?
Maybe... What were you thinking of doing?
Ironically, I have a character named Jupiter for this. Basically, a genetically/physically enhanced human. Eh.
Jupiter wrote:
Ironically, I have a character named Jupiter for this. Basically, a genetically/physically enhanced human. Eh.
You're interested in this then I'm guessing?
Heyo. If this is still open, I'm interested in something like this. I have a military style guy who could fit the bill among these soldiers, Lewis Garrett.
Hes a big guy who has a passion for big guns, especially flamethrowers. And seeing as they're up against headcrab, demonic and xenomorph style enemies, a flamer would be useful, no? However, if nothing large is suitable, he can use other conventional weapons if needed. Think he'd be up for it?
Hes a big guy who has a passion for big guns, especially flamethrowers. And seeing as they're up against headcrab, demonic and xenomorph style enemies, a flamer would be useful, no? However, if nothing large is suitable, he can use other conventional weapons if needed. Think he'd be up for it?

Yeah, he looks like he'd fit in just fine.
Okay, we'll be starting soon... I think that KingOfHaddock might not be interested anymore so I might wait for one more person.
Cool. Lemme know when it's starting.
floatch wrote:
Jupiter wrote:
Ironically, I have a character named Jupiter for this. Basically, a genetically/physically enhanced human. Eh.
You're interested in this then I'm guessing?
I absolutely am! Would Jupes here work?
Oh, definitely
. I've got one other guy who asked me via PM, so as soon as he's ready, we can get the RP up and running. (sometime tomorrow perhaps.)

So here is my character, a bet tossed together but I look forward to RPing with everyone. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me with a message, I'm pretty quite on response unless work is hectic.
Thread is up
Go ahead and jump right in.
Go ahead and jump right in.
So other then not playing God or the other typical RP rules, what if any are the no nos in this particular RP? I'm referring to anything from don't post inappropriate content to you can't have a micro nuke launcher in your pocket
. While this might seem a bit silly I wouldn't say it if I hadn't experienced it myself haha.

I guess I'm too late to join?
Yeah, you're too late sorry.
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