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Forums » Looking for RP » [closed] (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Everyone knows that when a town is troubled by some powerful being, the only suitable thing to do is offer sacrifices! And naturally, the sacrifice has to be young, pretty, and female. A maiden, if you will. That is exactly the situation that Apheris finds herself in. Chosen by lot, she is the next to be offered to the powerful being as a sacrifice to keep the town safe. Nobody knows what happens to the sacrifices once they are taken. Do they live? Are they eaten? Many myths surround this question, but nobody knows for sure. As Apheris prepares for the sacrifice, she can't help but wonder; just how true are these stories?

Looking for someone to play the powerful human/mage/creature/etc. Preferably male for a potential romance to evolve. Originally tough and cruel, but not overly-malicious. Obviously, for the sake of the plotline, she is not eaten as soon as she is grabbed. Ideally she would be taken, and he could tell her that he might eat her soon, but have her working for him as a servant or entertainment or something.
Paragraph posts please, third-person POV, everything will be PG-13, NO mature content RPed out(things are either implied or timeskipped over). Message or comment here if interested! :)
Note: I'm not using Apheris as she is in her current page. I'm revamping her entirely but can't edit her page currently due to limited character slots. So just ignore her character page for the time being ^^
Magic 90%
Magic is very common. Magic-tech, grand floating islands, forests that sing, magical creatures may be an every-day occurrence.
Technology 20%
Iron age
Combat 10%
Small possibility of combat, usually brief and not detailed.

Details: Freeform, paragraphs required, long-term RP partner preferred.


I'd be interested in doing this with you if you're still looking! I may have two possible characters to use. (I can alter them a little for the sake of the role play.)
CelestinaGrey Topic Starter

What characters did you have in mind? :D

I was thinking either Arne or Slade. Arne is a little simpler compared to Slade, and I am more than willing to change some things so they can fit the desired role. I can easily fit them into the world that you want the role play to take place. (Slade's universe is a little complex, but I can alter the details about his life in the role play if you like him.)
Based on what I read of the character from the page (yes, I know, that's not the version you wish to use) it's a shame that she will not be the character mentioned. I had a great idea that would have mixed well with the storyline you're presenting assuming you were to use the character as written in the character page...

However, I'm sure you'd find Sauron more than capable of being what you need. It should be noted that, being a planeswalker, he would easily be looked at as a god of some form. He is not an evil person, nor is he malicious, though everything about his demeanor comes off that way. If you're interested in starting a roleplay, send me a PM and let me know. ((It should also be noted that I have an idea for what happens to the maidens once they have been taken))

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