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Forums » Introductions » Hello!


Hi there! My name's Apollo. You may remember me from around half a year ago. Well, I left because number one, things were getting a bit hard for me, what with real life interfering. Two, I just wasn't really proud of my RPing. It felt forced, and looking back, it sucked compared to now. I deleted that account so that I could start over, really.

Anyway, I'm happy to be back, and I hope that my improvement will show.
Sanne Moderator

Welcome back! I'm glad to hear things are better for you now. :)

What kind of roleplays are you planning on getting involved in next?
MoonageDream Topic Starter

Well, similar to before. I primarily go with modern/sci-fi RPs, as I don't really have any characters in an older time period, but that may change some time.
Hey! Welcome back to RPR. I hope you stay this time and make lots of friends. :P
I wondered why you disappeared off the face of the earth, I was so worried~! But no really, welcome back to RPR!

It's good to hear from you again, Apollo! Here's hoping you feel more comfortable in your roleplay style!

(And of course, you can always hit me up for a RP if you're interested.)
Welcome back to RPR! Hope you stay around this time! :D

Hi and welcome back to RPR! It's nice to meet you!
Welcome back to RP Repository! It is still as great as it was before you left, and only better with its improvements! I hope you enjoy it here!
Welcome back to RPR, Apollo! I hope you feel more comfortable with rping. :)

I am sure your rps are wonderful. Feel free to contact me if you need a partner or just someone to bounce ideas off. :D
Kim Site Admin

Glad to hear you're ready to give RPing another chance. Hope it goes much better for you this time! :)
Welcome back Apollo! I hope you'll have a great time out there :)

Its never to late to say hi and welcome, i hope you have a great time on RPR :D
Welcome home. hope you have a great time

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