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Forums » Looking for RP » Creepypasta RP anybody? (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer)

Anybody wanna RP Creepypasta? I know I'm new and nobody knows me but I just wanna have fun.....I'm gonna use my OC and you can use yours. It can be any level of violence, sexuality, and language.

Basically starts with Leon getting dragged to the mansion Unconscious.
Magic 30%
Some magic. Few can use it, but most of the players probably won't have it. Magical characters will likely believe that they are all alone.
Technology 50%
Combat 50%
Combat is expected as part of the storyline but it won't dominate the plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, one-off scene.


What do you mean by creepypasta? Is it a specific one or would the players just come up with something?

(Asking because I'm interested not trying to like, rain on your parade or anything OwO; )
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

(it's fine I understand.)

What I meant was that it would revolve around the player characters but the slender mansion with some of the pastas involved.
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

To explain it better would be to say that, it's about the player characters but others are there too.

(Fair warning, I suck at writing.)

Mh i'm not well versed on a whole lot of creepypastas, only a few, so I'll have to go look up some.

(slenderman is actually one i'm not 100% knowledgable on the lore for which is a shame on my part lol. I guess I know more revolving around video game creepypastas haha)
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

:) it's alright. I wasn't too educated until sometime ko last year.
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

If you wanna work out some of the details or something, just message me.
If you're still up for it I'm in!
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

Alright. I was just waiting for someone to want to join. :)

If you're still up for this, I'd like to join this!
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

I'm still up for it. :) You wanna PM me and talk about the details?
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

Or would you like to start?

I'm PM you!
I would love to roleplay as Nina The Killer!
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

If you'd like to join you may. We started a little bit ago. You are still welcome to join.
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter

Anybody on here can join the rp anytime until I delete this post! It's called Creepypasta RP group. It was posted by Leon. Just say hi OOC first so we know you're there.
eren (played anonymously)

hey, i like creepypasta soooo yeah (sorry I'm not realy good at talking or introducing myself) oh and also I'm new here!
eren (played anonymously)

eren (played anonymously)

anyone out there?
Leon Demlock (played by RandomRoleplayer) Topic Starter


You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Creepypasta RP anybody? (closed)

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