Dressed in a trenchcoat with boots that squelched along the asphalt, Kai made his way slowly down the road. It was evening already and the smell of alcohol was thick as he passed bars and clubs. But thicker than even the cigarette smoke was the smell of blood from those inside such places. He felt himself trembling as the thirst began; the inner vampire within seeking a way out.
No, not yet. Just a little longer, he told himself. Or tried to, when the smell of blood grew too powerful. Just outside one of the bars, raised voices caught his attention. A fight? Did it matter? Someone had been hurt, or was going to be. Adrenaline shot through his veins as he stopped to wait out the situation. This time he trembled in anticipation of a meal.
No, not yet. Just a little longer, he told himself. Or tried to, when the smell of blood grew too powerful. Just outside one of the bars, raised voices caught his attention. A fight? Did it matter? Someone had been hurt, or was going to be. Adrenaline shot through his veins as he stopped to wait out the situation. This time he trembled in anticipation of a meal.
Alex was enjoying a nice cold beer when someone next to her began fighting with another guy. They both got drug outside by security and Alex slipped by to go watch it continue outside. She watched for awhile then got bored.I am out of here she told herself and began walking down the street. After only a couple of beers, she passes her car and continues walking in the night.
Kai Zarre wrote:
Dressed in a trenchcoat with boots that squelched along the asphalt, Kai made his way slowly down the road. It was evening already and the smell of alcohol was thick as he passed bars and clubs. But thicker than even the cigarette smoke was the smell of blood from those inside such places. He felt himself trembling as the thirst began; the inner vampire within seeking a way out.
No, not yet. Just a little longer, he told himself. Or tried to, when the smell of blood grew too powerful. Just outside one of the bars, raised voices caught his attention. A fight? Did it matter? Someone had been hurt, or was going to be. Adrenaline shot through his veins as he stopped to wait out the situation. This time he trembled in anticipation of a meal.
No, not yet. Just a little longer, he told himself. Or tried to, when the smell of blood grew too powerful. Just outside one of the bars, raised voices caught his attention. A fight? Did it matter? Someone had been hurt, or was going to be. Adrenaline shot through his veins as he stopped to wait out the situation. This time he trembled in anticipation of a meal.
It was the movement of someone walking away from the fight, alone, that caught Kai's attention. He grinned and followed, the vampire within him awakening at the prospect of fresh blood.
Alex couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her but she brushed it off and kept walking. She paused for a minute to take off her shoes, the high heels were beginning to hurt her feet. She rolled her jeans up just enough not to drag and slipped on her jacket. As soon as she started walking again she had that feeling of being followed again. She shivered and kept going only a little slower as she hoped to hear footsteps this time. She thinks she hears them so she stops and turns around and yells, "What the hell you following me for?"
Kai stepped into full view, not caring if he was seen. He was usually the last thing anyone saw, before he drained them of their blood. He flashed a smile, his fangs perhaps glinting in the light of a distant lamp.
"I was hoping you could help me with that." He continued forward, his steps steady, his hands at his sides. "You see, I'm a bit lost and you looked like you knew where you were going, soI decided to follow you." He was stalling for time until he could get close enough to lunge for her.
"I was hoping you could help me with that." He continued forward, his steps steady, his hands at his sides. "You see, I'm a bit lost and you looked like you knew where you were going, soI decided to follow you." He was stalling for time until he could get close enough to lunge for her.
She took a half step back. "Well I don't completely know my way around, just sort of walking. But there's a bar back there if you need directions." She began to turn around then asked "Where are you going? I am headed to the diner if you want you can get directions there" Alex was yelling at herself in her head, just let the creepy guy follow you some more why don't ya.
Kai's green eyes glinted at the mention of a diner. "I think I'll try the diner," he said, his eyes never leaving Alexstrasza.
If his eyes lingered on her throat, it was only because he could sense the racing of her blood. She was afraid; or at the very least, wary of him. "Where is this diner?"
If his eyes lingered on her throat, it was only because he could sense the racing of her blood. She was afraid; or at the very least, wary of him. "Where is this diner?"
She shivered. It felt as though he was staring at her, but she was always willing to help someone. "The diner is a few blocks away, will take a little to get there. By the way I figure if were gonna walk together I should at least know your name. Mines Alexstrasza but you can call me Alex for short." She began leading the way to the diner.
The vampire actually paused. His victims never gave their names up; not that he ever cared to know them. He shook his head--he should just eat her now while he had the chance. Her back was turned and he took advantage of it.
He lunged forward, grabbing for her arm, preparing to bury his fangs in her neck when the vampire hunter in him fought back. Let her go! the more rational part yelled at him.
He lunged forward, grabbing for her arm, preparing to bury his fangs in her neck when the vampire hunter in him fought back. Let her go! the more rational part yelled at him.
WHAT THE HELL! her head was racing. "Well shit if I thought you were gonna go postal on me I would have never asked your damn name." She couldn't believe she was about to say this but she did any way. "Touch me again and I'll kick your ass. Now, do you still want to go to the diner or what? I ain't sitting around while you decide if you want to grab me or follow me, either way your creepy and I'll still try to kick your ass. I'm leaving, follow me or don't. But DO NOT Touch me! Got it?"
His hand dropped from her arm like he'd been burned; but he wasn't done yet. "Let's forget the diner," he said, his green eyes flashing. "Do you really think you could overpower me?" He wasn't tall, but in the dark with his trenchcoat it was hard to tell exactly how big he was.
"Furthermore, I'm thirsty. So, how about a deal? If you can find a way to slake my thirst, I won't kill you." It sounded reasonable--to him.
"Furthermore, I'm thirsty. So, how about a deal? If you can find a way to slake my thirst, I won't kill you." It sounded reasonable--to him.
Her mouth dropped and she flinched back. "First of all, No I don't think I could over power you but I sure as hell would put up a fight. Second of all what do you mean you won't kill me if I slake you thirst? What are you?" Her body trembled she tried to be tough and act as though she was not scared but he was starting to scare her bad. Her heart began racing and she began to sweat and tried to think of what to do next.
Kai grinned, feeling himself once more in control of the situation. But this time he kept his distance and didn't lay a hand on her.
"On the contrary, your fear suggests that you do know what I am. Slake my thirst, feed me, however you wish, human blood. And I shall let you live."
"On the contrary, your fear suggests that you do know what I am. Slake my thirst, feed me, however you wish, human blood. And I shall let you live."
Aw man her fear was right. Did these things really exist? This had to be a resort of the beer. "Um you want my blood? Um... Um..." she couldn't even think. "Your a...a...a vampire?" she couldn't even wait for the answer, she fainted and hit her head on the sidewalk.
Kai stood over Alex, his expression bleak and menacing. He could eat her now, if he wished, but somehow the joy of seeing her surprise, fear, whatever one wanted to call it, was gone.
He scowled as he bent down beside her and then scooped her up in his arms. She'd said not to touch her, but he wasn't the only vampire in these parts. He slung her over his shoulder and continued in the direction she'd been going. She still had yet to make good on her deal, after all.
He scowled as he bent down beside her and then scooped her up in his arms. She'd said not to touch her, but he wasn't the only vampire in these parts. He slung her over his shoulder and continued in the direction she'd been going. She still had yet to make good on her deal, after all.
She could feel herself coming to but she could tell she was being carried. She forced herself awake and started hitting his back. "Put me down. Please put me down." Her head was killing her. "Why didn't you just leave me there. You could have walked away or killed me but you choose not to, why?"
"You interest me." Replied Kai almost thoughtlessly. "And besides, you haven't held up your end of the deal yet."
He loosened his grip and let her slide to the ground. "Besides that, I am not the only one around here looking for a meal. Your unconscious form would have been more trouble than it was worth." Right, blame the unconscious person for being a hindrance. Never mind the fact it was his idea to bring her with him.
He loosened his grip and let her slide to the ground. "Besides that, I am not the only one around here looking for a meal. Your unconscious form would have been more trouble than it was worth." Right, blame the unconscious person for being a hindrance. Never mind the fact it was his idea to bring her with him.
Alex just wanted to get back to her car and go home at this point but that didn't look like it was going to happen. "I interest you? Really? Well if you got to bite me or something to get your blood that you want so bad, here" she held out her arm. "I just want to go home and I don't want to Die so however you get my blood just hurry up"
Instinct overcame any sense of "honor" a vampire might have. Offered blood--he wasn't about to turn it down.
With inhuman fluidity, he pounced on the girl and bit into her arm before she could reconsider. Before he could drink his fill, however, the inner hunter in him surfaced. He released his grip and pulled away, licking his lips.
"Thank you," he replied. "And true to my word, I will let you live."
With inhuman fluidity, he pounced on the girl and bit into her arm before she could reconsider. Before he could drink his fill, however, the inner hunter in him surfaced. He released his grip and pulled away, licking his lips.
"Thank you," he replied. "And true to my word, I will let you live."
Saw a little trickle of blood on her arm and stumbled back against the wall. Her head was spinning and she felt sick to her stomach. Did she really just let him do that? "I...I..." she didn't even know what to say. She slowly slid herself down until she sat on the side walk. She just stared at her arm in shock.
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