This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.
They all exist..... Angels.....Demons.... werewolves, vampires, and all other manners of supernatural beings with all manners of supernatural abilities..... These creatures and people live amongst humans without the knowledge of the humans. The only ones who know they exist are the monster hunters.....
You can be a monster, a hunter, or a human....the ways that you can be a monster is by being bitten by some, or being born like that. If you'd like to RP this, either PM me or comment.
You can be a monster, a hunter, or a human....the ways that you can be a monster is by being bitten by some, or being born like that. If you'd like to RP this, either PM me or comment.
would 'elsen', be an acceptable monster type?

Humanoids that undergo monstrous transformations under stress?
if not, then a human could work. we'll probably figure it all out if we figure to start it up.

Humanoids that undergo monstrous transformations under stress?
if not, then a human could work. we'll probably figure it all out if we figure to start it up.
That would work. If you want to use it go ahead.... should we wait for any others? If not just message me a starter.
well, if there is a preferred environment, or any other potentially useful information, (like the amount of magical presence to be found, or if there are such places as research facilities where monsters are investigated) it might be good to figure it here so that others can read it and all be on the same page together.
Alright. The hunters have research facilities for monsters around the world. They study abilities. It's a modern setting. The U.S. is our playing field. Magical presence depends on the type of monsters in the area.
If you want. We already started the rp but you're still welcome to join.

i have both an angel and a demon oc if its more combat based i can use the demon one but if its more peaceful i can use the angel one.
would you let e know via pm when you are starting this rp
We already have, that's what I meant when I said the previous posts. If you'd still like to join then it's called Monsters and Angels RP
Dave, do you have a character chart for Wilson?
Like a more specially made list of his past and stuff?
not really... I've only got a cursory past, and a more thorough personality/ability worked out since not everything about the 'Monster World' has been fully fleshed out. but the general lack of 'humans knowing monsters when they see them', the presence of labs, and hunters, and all has helped me formulate my own ideas for how the world might possibly work. But World details are up to RndmRPr since its their World.

The hunters and the scientific minds behind them along with that special bit of the government that nobody knows about , are the only ones that know monsters exist.
I meant a character sheet like the one I have for Lando here.

The only regular humans that know are either actually monsters or just myth nuts.
Well, I could make one, but 'Person' was mostly designed as an intermediate Character, so I can have someone exist w/o feeling like they MUST be. mostly for 'general rp', and things that I'm not sure will end up progressing smoothly to a longer-term timeframe. But its been going great, and with good details like an absolute on who does and doesn't know about monsters existing like what rmdmRpr has just provided are helping show that things are being Properly handled.
Its Great!
It'll most likely just be a little longer, while I figure more yes/no this/that about the way the world is supposed to work, before I'll feel like I've got enough of a grasp on the laws of the World that I make Wilson an independent Character Sheet.
I don't want to make things half way. (unless its my character INCOMPLET

It'll most likely just be a little longer, while I figure more yes/no this/that about the way the world is supposed to work, before I'll feel like I've got enough of a grasp on the laws of the World that I make Wilson an independent Character Sheet.
I don't want to make things half way. (unless its my character INCOMPLET

Happy to help. If you need anymore information on the laws of the world just let me know.
its mostly things on the 'politic' of the world. are there places that are nearly all monsters, are there 'kingdoms' that certain monster types might be a part of, and all respect an individual 'monarch', 'factions?' among monsters? are most humanoid monsters ok with eachother, or is it more, 'territorial' in some cases, do more live in the wild or in cities/towns, are certain monster types rarer than others... And probably the most important question, the only one I'd really, really like an answer to, 'what kind of plans are put in place by both monster and humanity for if a monster reveals itself to ordinary humans'.
A World of Humans and Monsters is a great World all on its own, but to help the World live, everything else inside it has to live to.
A World of Humans and Monsters is a great World all on its own, but to help the World live, everything else inside it has to live to.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Demons, Angels, and everything else (closed)
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