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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He releases the Manticores paws and kicks it away.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore gets up quickly and attempts to slash at him*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Let's it. "Not yet Gabriel...." the shadow merely nods and waits.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore cuts a huge gash in nathaiel's right shoulder*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"That was rude...." He grabs the Manticore by the neck and the fur on the middle of its back and lifts it.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore struggles to get free but can'y*
Person (played by dave_pod)

*Wilson is still off on his own, having no idea of the excitement playing out elsewhere. he knows he's lost, but continuing off in one direction is sure to lead him somewhere eventually* *he's keeping an ear out for if anything is around*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Manticores have scorpion tails I think.)

Nathaniel simply stands there.
peony (played by shirofluff)

(yes i believe they do) *the manticore stings nathaniel with its tail*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel grunts and throws the Manticore into a tree. "That hurt.... Almost time Gabriel...."
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(What's red and bad for your teeth?)
peony (played by shirofluff)

(um.. candy? or blodd)
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore gets up and rushes them both*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(a brick. *Poker face engaged*)
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel tackles the Manticore and squeezes him.
peony (played by shirofluff)

(XD) *the manticore pounces them*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Those two posts contradict each other... he tackles it but it pounced.)
peony (played by shirofluff)

(sorry gtg for now see ya in a bit)
peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Alright .)

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