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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

peony (played by shirofluff)

(now let me just fix my little mistake from earlier) *the manticore rushes him at full speed and plows right into him*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Oof.... I might actually not need you Gabriel...." He slides back a little and moves his hands to the Manticores head.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore starts snapping at nathaniel trying to bite him but is held in place by nathyaniel*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Puts one hand on its snout and the other on the back of its head as it pushes it's face down.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*falls to the ground but attepts to sting nathaniel*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Allows the sting but holds the head up and positions it to break it's neck.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*the manticore's neck snaps and it dies instantly*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel drops the corpse and looks at you
peony (played by shirofluff)

*peony and ramby come out from behind the tree*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Continues looking at you. "Have you two never been around violence?"
peony (played by shirofluff)

"i have a little but poor ramby here hasnt,i'm not much of a fighter nut i can hold my own if i have to"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I see.... would you mind if I ate him?" He gestures towards the fallen Manticore.
peony (played by shirofluff)

"n-no" *both said in unison*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Yay!" He sounds like a child that just got a present. Gabriel sighs and facepalms.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*peony covers ramby's eyes* "sorry he is really innocent and has nevr seen blood before"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"Oh? Sorry...I can wait if you want..." Nathaniel sits on the ground and blinks slowly.
peony (played by shirofluff)

"ok ramby go back behind the tree" *ramby nods and goes behind the tree*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"May I start?" Gabriel sighs again and mumbles,"Impatient little ****"

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