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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel nods then grabs the stinger tail. It makes a nice crunch as he rips it off the corpse. He eats the tail stinger to base.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*peony watches*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel then begins to eat it's head making a large crunch as he smashes the skull and begins to eat the bone as well.
peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Nathaniel stops for a moment. "Wanna help Gabriel?" "Screw it...." the shadow floats forward and appears to be absorbed into Nathaniel.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*makes a confused look*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He chuckles in an echoey voice as he raises the whole corpse into the air.
peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

He opens his mouth but it splits down his lower jaw and opens up.
peony (played by shirofluff)

*jaw hangs open then closes in astonishment*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Begins to put the corpse into his mouth which crunches and crawls along it like a snakes jaws.
peony (played by shirofluff)

Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Finishes it and Gabriel leaves his body. Nathaniel's voice has returned to normal."That was pretty good.... I think we even got a little soul in there."
peony (played by shirofluff)

" you aren't human either"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"What? Gabriel is a demon....I'm a werewolf.....I thought that was obvious."
peony (played by shirofluff)

"sorry I guess i've been around humans for too long"
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"I see....." Nathaniel begins to turn back.
peony (played by shirofluff)

"hey wait up!" *peony runs to catch up with you*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(back to human but still walks away just so it fits.)

"Hm?" Looks back.

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