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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Dear me. You children do need a hunter if you are forced eat scorpean tails and result to one liners. :P I'm teasing, but let's bring Wilson back into this! :D))

It was Orlando's day off and he was shopping when the order came. His phone buzzed with a message from an unknown number.
Facility 290 has been compromised. Two subjects an Elsen and a Were have escaped. Hunt them down and recapture unharmed allong with any associates.
It gave him the coordinates of their trackers before disappearing as though it had never been recieved.

He sighed and checked out his groceries, piling them into the back of his small covered truck. Inside was a cage, rows of weapons and other supplies any good monster hunter could ever need.

Orlando unwrapped a chocolate protein bar as he drove, a minI built-in computer reading the basic description and abilities of his targets to him while a portion of the screen showed dots signifying the movement of both himself and his prey. He watched as they split apart, one amlessly north, while the other seemed to stay in the same location. He choose the northern most one, the Elsen.

Orlando drove until he overtook the dot on the screen before he turned and drove west to be able to intercept him. About a half mile north of Wilson, in a clearing, Orlando lay out a pork chop he had purchased for his own dinner that night. With luck, the Elsen would find it interesting enough it eat. He wasn't going to hurt the creature, and as Orlando often found, it was more effective to offer friendship rather than harsh punishment for running away in the first place.

He crouched in the underbush, hidden from the Elsen as he waited to see what it would do with the meat.
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Damn. Alright 1.A lot of typing 2.He was hungry 3.I couldn't think of anything else to say 4.I know you were just kidding and 4. Damn a lot of typing.)
peony (played by shirofluff)

(i didnt even get to read it all)
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

peony (played by shirofluff)

*peony caught up with nathaniel and gabriel* please let me join you until i find venaticus. i'm not good at fighting on my own but my healing and defensive spells are strong i could probably be of some use to you"
Person (played by dave_pod)

(( :D Great job! :3 ))

*as Wilson continues on, he would be delighted by the sight of real, recognizable food*
*He checks to see if its cooked or not, glancing around for a possible grill or other cooking device*
"this is nice..."
*it doesn't cross his mind that food in the forest is unusual*
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"If you wish... but I must be headed out now....who knows how long before they send someone after me."
peony (played by shirofluff)

"after you? who?" *peony and ramby follow him*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((I like writing... D: Don't worry, only my intros are long. :P))
Person wrote:
*as Wilson continues on, he would be delighted by the sight of real, recognizable food*
*He checks to see if its cooked or not, glancing around for a possible grill or other cooking device*
"this is nice..."
*it doesn't cross his mind that food in the forest is unusual*

Orlando took a step forward out from the trees, purposly allowing a twig to crunch under his foot. "I am glad you think so." He said with a warm smile at the creature. "You are welcome to eat it. I am not going to harm you." He took another step forward with his hands open to show that they were empty. His multi-purpose gun lay slung over his back, other weapons concealed upon his person, leaving naught but a simple harmless human before the Elsen.
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

"A hunter.....I've only escaped from the lab today with the help of an Elsen." Nathaniel then starts walking.
Person (played by dave_pod)

*smile. food. no harm... good person.* "Thankyou. Its been a long day..." *not fearing being identified as a monster as an unburnt Elsen, Wilson can feel relaxed around nice seeming Humans* "um. I'm not sure how I can cook it here though. I've not seen anywhere around here made for safe fire." *Wilson's survival abilities are garbage, due to his life spent in Cities*
"um... I'm Wilson. whats your name?"
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

"You like your meat cooked?" Orlando found amusement with that, but didn't explain. "Me too. Perhaps you and I can go find some place where we can grill it huh?" He pulled out a peanut butter protein bar from his pocket and offered it to the other. "My name is Orlando. I came here to find you. I work for the government, but I'm not like those guys." He reassured Wilson. It was only a partial lie.
Person (played by dave_pod)

*happy to feel like he's going to be able to get back to civilized land, Wison happily accepts the protein bar and says,* "Thankyou Orlando. finding a place to cook this would be nice. And its really nice to hear your not with." *geuh... part of him realizes that he's not mentioned any 'other guys', suggesting to him that something is up... but Orlando has been nothing but nice so far, so Wilson pushes the thought aside* "the people that were in the other building. they didn't seem so nice."
*another part of Wilson's mind wants to ask if Orlando is supposed to be his lawyer, but Wilson realizes that's dumb, and pushes the random thought aside*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

"We are not all bad people." Orlando told him with almost sadness. "We are doing our jobs. When we can't do our jobs, sometimes we have to take certain precautionary measures to protect ourselves just as we don't have very much protection against other beings. It makes some people not so nice, but if you cooperate with us--with me, you won't be caused much pain. We want to help you." He vowed.
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Begins to walk (even though Shirofluff isn't online.) further south. He thinks to himself, 'ah well.....better than just Gabriel....'
Person (played by dave_pod)

*gulps* *it was sounding like he knew you weren't human* "um... didn't say anyone was. er. Bad. just not nice. and, I'd hope there might be a way without any pain if thats possible..." *Wilson is still remaining calm, but he's being cautious... he doesn't want to end up doing something wrong and get cut up*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Sorry for some reason I didn't recieve a notification.))

"I can promise you that you will feel no pain. Nothing is going to happen to you." Orlando told him comfortingly. "We just want to know more about you and the Eslen. We just have to run a few tests and if you work with us, instead of fighting us, it will be over quickly. We can even help you." He paused for a beat, pulling out another protein bar. He broke it in half, chewing on one half while offering the other out to Wilson. "How do you feel about that?" He asked, smiling reassuringly.

((I'm going to bed, but I will respond in the morning.))
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(I can't do anything without Shirofluff so ahead go Dave. It's probably the same with everyone.)
Person (played by dave_pod)

*Wilson is feeling that the offer to help everyone involved without pain is the best thing he's heard all day. and its been confirmed that its known he's an Elsen, but that just means that the other guy knew Wilson was an Elsen, and was still nice* "I feel like this sounds wonderful! Thankyou! I'll do whatever I can to help." *he thankfully accepts the other protein bar half, starting to eat it*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

"As you might have noticed, not all of the people you met there have been very nice. There's one very dangerous monster who made you run away with him. He's a blood thirsty beast and kills humans. I have to bring him back...but if I try to do it by myself, he will most likely kill me..." Orlando sighed and paused in his speech. "Unless you help me capture him." He finished, looking up at the Elsen's face. "I can't protect you if I'm dead." He added ruefully.

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