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Forums » General Roleplay » Monsters and Angels RP

Person (played by dave_pod)

"Geuuh... Um. Which one are you talking about? Because they both didn't seem very nice now that I've gotten to think back over things..."
*the thought of needing to go against the monsters that have been making him go Burnt all day is making him nervous*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

"'Both of them'?" Orlando echoed. Although it could be assumed that someone had assisted in breaking the two of them out, he only had knowledge about the one werewolf. "I know there's a werewolf, but there's another monster?"
Person (played by dave_pod)

"uhh... Yes. A Werewolf and a Demon of some sort... The Demon seemed a bit more apologetic about the situation, even if they made me think I was going to say something wrong when they started asking me things like if I could guess what they were..." *calm down. Calm down... calmly tell things as you know them, and don't think to much on needing to go against them...*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

Orlando reached out a gentle hand to comfort him, noticing his quickened breathing. "'s okay. I think I have enough information to apprehend them. It's okay. Take some deep breaths." A freaked out monster could be even more deadly than a monstrous enemy.
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Shirofluff. It's your turn or its Dave's)
Person (played by dave_pod)

*Wilson feels like this man really cared to understand Elsens. that in its self is calming, knowing that you can be understood*
*calms down* "thanks. I'm better now."
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

"Good. We should get a move on now, we've got a werewolf to catch." He lead the way back to his truck. "What powers do Elsen have anyway?" Orlando asked.
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

Continues walking. (With Shirofluff probably following. And sorry for the one liner. I've got nothing else to write without Shirofluff saying something.)
Person (played by dave_pod)

*oh. guess he didn't understand... but he was willing to... and he asked nice*
"well. If we get overstressed, we turn Burnt. I get covered in this molten tar-like substance, and its a bit meaner looking than I am. and it might also think a little differently? all I get out of my times when I'm Burnt is. impressions... but at least superheating things in a Burnt grip can cook it nicely... Oh yea, we're supposed to find someplace to cook this meat. but I guess that will be for later... and the meat would probably be bad by then... unless you have any means of preserving it on you."
*Wilson is avoiding thinking about werewolf catching by directing concerns to the meat. good meat could be costly, and letting it go bad would be a shame*
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((Random, what do we want to do about Shirofluff?))

"Don't worry, it should stay fresh for a few more hours. We need to catch this bad monster first and then we'll be able to cook it and eat it." He smiled at Wilson. "Just try not to go Burnt in my car, alright? I would rather not have tar on my seats."
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(I do t know...
Maybe we should just wait it out...)
Person (played by dave_pod)

"ok. that should work." *talking casual about it is a big help. Wilson's fears addressed, he's ready to follow/do what you ask*
((guess this'd be best as the last post for a while till they get back? :? :) ))
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Yeah probably. The only problem is I'd like it keep going but I don't want to leave Shirofluff out, or remove them so we'll just have to wait and adjust to everyones different schedules.)
Orlando Apeh (played anonymously)

((If someone could please pm them and see. I vote we wait no longer than a week for them. You need to be communicative in a group rp. :/))
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(I know. It's just that sometimes things happen but I'll message them.)
peony (played by shirofluff)

(i'm back i'm sorry i was gone for two days)
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Yay! :))
peony (played by shirofluff)

(ok what did i miss?)
Nathaniel Montenaro (played anonymously) Topic Starter

(Read back my friend. We have time as Bell is not online.)
peony (played by shirofluff)


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