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Forums » Looking for RP » Witcher RP (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

Hey yo.

I've just cracked open one of the Witcher books again and finished the DLC Blood and Wine, and I am very much in the mood for a Witcher-RP. It doesn't have to follow the canon story in any way, and I'd like to avoid using canon characters and instead establish characters of your own. I already have a witcher character.

The world of the Witcher is filled with many, many monsters and mysterious creatures. Witchers work as monster hunters, ensuring the safety of the humans that lives in the world. There are a lot of creatures to pick between.

For the plot itself, I don't really have much in mind at the moment. It all the depends on what kinds of characters I get thrown at me to be honest.

Doktor (played by Draken901)

I could pitch in Doktor, he's a Lich, but I think he would be able to fit in somewhere. Maybe he could aid your character in some way.
Syain Topic Starter

Still open.

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