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Forums » Looking for RP » Star Wars Roleplay (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

I have a bit of an odd request. I've been roleplaying my Darth Succenda character for over 5 years in a group roleplay, she's aged 30 years since I started playing her. Long story short, some crap has happened to her and she's in a bit of a broken down state. I've tried to do a few roleplays where she took an apprentice and she just couldn't get very into it.

So, the ideas I have for her:
1) With her home and enclave gone, Succenda is in a vulnerable position. Its well known that she is a daughter of a slave and twi'leks have always been sought after. Slavery is legal in the Empire but she thinks her gift in the Force will protect her.

She's attempting to find new allies so she goes to a wealthy man's home (force user or not). He makes her surrender her lightsabers at the door, which she does begrudgingly. What she doesn't realize is that he has ysalamiri throughout his home (lizards that render force users incapable of using their abilities).

He attempts to chain her and she attempts to throw fire, only to realize that she cant. Without the force and her lightsabers, she is rendered pretty much useless and ends up enslaved.

Depending on where rp goes...he can end up freeing her or she can stay enslaved.

2) A jedi finds her weakened and vulnerable and attempts to turn her to the lightside, which may or may not work.

3) Another Sith, equal or greater in strength to her, finds her and nurses her back to physical/emotional health so they can join forces.

If you have an idea, I'm more than willing to hear it out. For Succenda, I'd even consider a plot that ended in her death if it's fantastic enough. I'd prefer long-term but I'm open to one-offs too.

I'd totally be interested in doing one of these plots. While I usually prefer to play female characters, I would totally be up for any of your ideas. The sort of dark take on a plot isn't something I get to play with often.
I think I'd personally prefer your second suggestion (Jedi finding her), but you seem to have a strong idea for the first one.

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