Luna took a deep breath and turned to face the man. "I have never met you in my life." She stated clearly. "And I was just..... going over my plans for the day."
Cassdiy sighed and materlized so that she could be seen by humans and by her murder. She looked just like the ghost you would see in ghost moives only she had a jagged scar that ran across her face, her green eyes had somewhat a glow to them, and her dark black hair seemed like it was really there"You don't need to lie, Luna..." She glared at the man. "You really should listen to the threats of the dead; a wiccan never lets a threat go unnoticed." She hissed at the man in an cold and unforgiving voice. Cassdiy wasn't a person to hold a grudge but that was in her motral life. She changed when she died.
He might have walked away, had not the ghost materialized before him. He stopped and looked at her, his expression carefully blank.
And then he grinned. "I remember you." The grin fell from his face and he snarled at her, ignoring the looks he might have received from other people in the park. "What do you think you can do to me?" He swiveled and pointed at Luna. "And you. You're the same as her, aren't you?" Wiccan, he meant.
And then he grinned. "I remember you." The grin fell from his face and he snarled at her, ignoring the looks he might have received from other people in the park. "What do you think you can do to me?" He swiveled and pointed at Luna. "And you. You're the same as her, aren't you?" Wiccan, he meant.
Luan took a glance at Cassidy and realized he could see her. She turned back to the man and glared. "Whats it to you?" She asked coldly.
Cassdiy glared at the vampire. "I can do more than you know of. I might be dead, but I'm earthbound because of you; I died in vain, I can't leave earth. And humans might be easy prey for you but they repsect those who have died, and trust what they have to say. One warning and they'll bolt; I promised I'd make your life a living hell, no matter how long it takes or whatever it takes." Cassdiy was not joking, she always made good on her threats.
Kai shrugged. "Apparently Wiccan blood doesn't agree with me." He smirked at Cassidy.
"You're going to make my life hell? Well, I'm afraid you're a bit late to that. My life's already hell. That kind of happens when the very creatures you hunt turn you into one of them. As for scaring away my do that and I won't hesitate to eat your little friend here."
"You're going to make my life hell? Well, I'm afraid you're a bit late to that. My life's already hell. That kind of happens when the very creatures you hunt turn you into one of them. As for scaring away my do that and I won't hesitate to eat your little friend here."
Cassdiy glanced at Luna and then glared at the vampire. "You really think you can kill another wiccan so easily? Ha! It's hard enough to find a wiccan, let alone kill them." Cassdiy laughed at the threat, even thought she knew it wasn't impossible for a vampire to kill a wiccan. "And for the blood thing, you couldn't get your fangs in my neck. I was a little to quick for you to catch." She smriked remembering how she still was able to keep a vampire from getting a taste of her family blood or at least that is what she though since she had been dead for years, if not decades.
This time, Luna did pull out her sowrds and clutched them in her hand. "Don't even try it." Luna warned him. She was not afraid of a bloodbath or killing, it would not be the first time she was in one.
Kai snorted. "I don't know about hard to kill..hard to feed on, sure."
He took a step back when Luna drew her swords. "Hey, I'm not ready to feed yet, and if you care about the other people in this park, you won't be hasty about making me bleed." He grinned, showing his fangs.
He took a step back when Luna drew her swords. "Hey, I'm not ready to feed yet, and if you care about the other people in this park, you won't be hasty about making me bleed." He grinned, showing his fangs.
Cassdiy rolled her eyes. "If you haven't looked around, there are no other people besides you two, I don't count." Cassdiy crossed her arms over her chest, annoied with her killer. "I rather know why you targeted me, of all the wiccans, why me?" Cassdiy might be a ghost she still died as a teenager.
Kai almost looked thoughtful for a minute. "Why did I pick you? Hmm, let me count the ways. First, it was your misfortune to find me; second, you're living and breathing and thus have blood running through you; third, I'm a vampire; fourth... Do I really need to continue?"
He smirked and glanced at Luna. "Actually, you emanated a source of power that I thought I could use--or would come in handy. So I tried to tap it. Unfortunately, you died before I got to it in time." He huffed and glanced sidelong at her. "Besides all that, what were you even doing in a place like that?"
He smirked and glanced at Luna. "Actually, you emanated a source of power that I thought I could use--or would come in handy. So I tried to tap it. Unfortunately, you died before I got to it in time." He huffed and glanced sidelong at her. "Besides all that, what were you even doing in a place like that?"
Luna gripped her sowrds tighter and took a step back.
Cassy shrugged. "I needed to get some things. My family didn't know about me going out to get somethings for a few spells I wanted to try out. I was headed for a wiccan only story when I ran into my boyfriend at the time and had to go a different way. You found me once I got away from him and you conered me. He got lucky and found me after you were gone and I was dead." Cassy looked in a different dicretion, remembering her death and how it felt. She remembered the last person she saw before she died was her boyfriend.
Kai grinned when Luna gripped her swords tighter. "You're gonna have to be fast with those if you want to take me on."
Then he tapped his finger to his mouth, thinking while Cassdiy recounted her version of his attack. "Hmmm; ah, I think I remember that. Your erratic movement led you past the alley where I was feeding..." he shrugged and then nonchalantly offered: "You want me to go after your boyfriend?"
Then he tapped his finger to his mouth, thinking while Cassdiy recounted her version of his attack. "Hmmm; ah, I think I remember that. Your erratic movement led you past the alley where I was feeding..." he shrugged and then nonchalantly offered: "You want me to go after your boyfriend?"
Cassdiy looked at him like he was crazy. "Hell no!" She didn't want her boyfriend dead, she believed he still had a good chance at life. She didn't want to be the reason why someone else's death. She just glared at Kai and folded her arms acrossed her chest.
Kai shrugged. "Then if you're looking for revenge, you might have to explain to this poor girl why she's in the middle of it." He smiled at Luna, making sure his fangs showed. "After all, between the two of you, she's the only one of flesh and blood."
Cassy smriked. "And from the three of us, I'm the one who can take over your body. You might want to be careful what you do, vampire." She glanced around the park but it seemed that no one else was around. That was a relief for her. She looked at Luna. Luna, be careful. I have only tried to take over a body once and I am inexperince at it. She warned to Luna in her thoughts.
Kai seemed to freeze, surprise flitting across his face. "Take in possess my body?"
He felt strange. If he was soulless as a vampire, would being possessed give him a soul? Would it work? Would it count? He didn't know, but hope flared briefly.
He felt strange. If he was soulless as a vampire, would being possessed give him a soul? Would it work? Would it count? He didn't know, but hope flared briefly.
Cassy nodded. "Yeah, their pretty much the same think. I've done it before, it isn't as hard as people would think it would be, but when you're a ghost a lot of things seem easier." Cassy shrugged, not really understanding why Kai seemed.... hopeful? She meant the being able to control his body as a threat, not something for him to hope for.
Kai studied the ghost briefly and then his expression changed. Gone was the look of hunger and the predatory lust for blood. In its place was a slightly more innocent face; eager and hopeful--a vampire hunter with morals--the original Kai.
"Can you overcome a vampire?" he asked, almost wistfully.
"Can you overcome a vampire?" he asked, almost wistfully.
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