Um so I'm not really sure what to say, I don't have the best social skills, obviously. Anyway I'm new to the site and to rp as well. So yeah, I guess that's my introduction.
It's a good introduction. Open and honest. You've never rped before? If so, don't sweat it too much. Some of the best people I've ever not met are around here and whatever you need to get started, look around or ask and you should do just fine.
And of course, welcome.
And of course, welcome.
Yo yo welcome to RPR

Welcome to RPR. Hope you have a great time here.

Welcome to RPR and to RPing 
For finding a RP, maybe just look around here and see if you like any concept?
I think that most people will be perfectly okay with RPing with you even though you'vd never done it before, especially if you like their RP idea!
There's a great Getting Started guide available here:
If you'd feel better with some guidance
We also have a guide for people who've never RPed before!
If you run into any problems, just ask your partner or a moderator. Most people are really friendly around here

For finding a RP, maybe just look around here and see if you like any concept?
I think that most people will be perfectly okay with RPing with you even though you'vd never done it before, especially if you like their RP idea!
There's a great Getting Started guide available here:
If you'd feel better with some guidance

We also have a guide for people who've never RPed before!
If you run into any problems, just ask your partner or a moderator. Most people are really friendly around here

Welcome to RPR! Alecia beat me to the information, but if you have any more specific questions please don't hesitate to ask. We all love helping new members!

Hey, honesty abouy being social is the best policy, so I'm glad you're upfront in your intro. (And don't worry, my social skills bite too.)
Either way, it's sweet to meet you! My name's Lotus, but call me Light! Welcome to RPR!
Either way, it's sweet to meet you! My name's Lotus, but call me Light! Welcome to RPR!
Welcome to RPR! I'm new as well, I've joined about a week ago, and I can say, this is one of the best communities out there! So I hope you have fun here,i know I am!
Hi there! Welcome to RP Repository! Feel free to PM anyone if you have a question! I promise we won't bite at all!
I hope you've been enjoying the site so far 
Welcome to the site~

Welcome to the site~
Hello and welcome to the RPR! We hope you're settling in well and enjoying your stay here so far. There are thousands of amazingly talented roleplayers and thousands more just generally sweet and joyous people all around! If you have any questions, we'll make sure to answer 'em!
Don't worry, newbies are always welcomed here
We all had to start at some point, after all!
RPing isn't that hard to get a hold of, don't worry. You basically just write a story with a friend!
Everyone has their own unique styles that they use, so just be willing to work with yourself until you develop your own
Don't worry, newbies are always welcomed here

RPing isn't that hard to get a hold of, don't worry. You basically just write a story with a friend!

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